Sleep over (part 2)

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Emily's POV
Well, jin's friends are staying over for 2 days more and my finals are coming soon. I know, I may have not go to school for a while but I got the chance to catch up with the topics that they've learnt without me. I'm pretty excited though. I've been spending a few hours thinking about what should me and the girls do. We decided that we wanted to go shopping, have ice cream, and watch movies. The guys said that they didn't want to join us and they're missing out, big time. "Emily! Are you ready to go?", I heard nina's voice from downstairs. "Yea, just let me get my bag", I replied back. Shortly after that, I ran down the stairs and saw all of them sitting on the couch. "Sorry I'm late", I said to them. "No worries, Beauty takes time", lili said to me with a laugh. "Well, come on, girls". All of us went outside and put on our shoes. It was quite cold today so I dressed myself in a grey sweater, white jeans, and some Ugg boots. I also put a little amount of makeup and braided my hair into a fishtail braid. Asuka started the car and we drove off.

Asuka's POV
I never really had much fun with the girls. But I think I can get used to that now. They're all so nice and I think I'm the one who didn't realise it in the first place. We arrived at the shopping mall in 30 minutes. It was pure torture when we had to find a parking lot. It took about 25 minutes. This shopping mall sure is packed on the weekends. We got out of the car and went inside. "So,where first?", I asked them. "Makeup?", Emily asked. "YES!!", all of them answered. We headed over to Sephora and Emily and Nina went straight to the eye makeup. They tried on some beautiful and glittery shades of makeup. I went to find makeup that has like a natural effect because I don't like to wear vibrant and funky makeup. Lili just fell in love with the highlighters. They were so sparkly. I grabbed my stuff, paid for it and waited for them outside. They came out like 30 mins later. But all they got was a highlighter, an eyeliner and some mascara. "Um, girls, can I go for a quick run to MAC? I need to grab a lipstick", Emily asked while making puppy eyes. "Sure", I replied. We went to MAC and Emily ran inside, and got put 15 minutes later. And she bought 4 of the clear lipsticks. "I thought you said you want A lipstick", I asked. "Well, I wanted something new and these look so cool and suited me pretty well", she said with a grin. "Did Jin gave you money for this?", Alisa asked. "A little bit", Emily said while laughing. "Lucky", Louisa said.

Next, we head off to forever 21 and the real shopping begins. We randomly grabbed the clothing and accessories that we needed and went crazy in there. It was packed because they were having a sale. Once we got our stuff, we paid and went outside. "Ready to head home? I'm sure the guys are missing us already." I said. "I need to grab a new phone case. Be out in a sec", Nina said while showing us her destroyed phone case and entering the Apple Store. The girls and I wondered how could her phone case is like that. She bought a black leather case for her iPhone 7 Plus. Typical Nina.

Third person's POV
They went to the parking lot, get in the car and drove back home. They were laughing and cracking up jokes all the way. They may look and act serious on the outside, but they're very fun to be with. They got home and found the guys all passed out in the living room. Nina went to Steve and kissed him the forehead. "Do you have any relationship with him?", Emily asked. "Well, he's actually my son", Nina answered with a chuckle and smiled. After explaining for about an hour, we finally understood their situation. "I wish I could have had him earlier. I've always wanted to take care of him since he was a baby. But when I found him, he's fully grown. And I still don't know who the father is", Nina said while looking down. "Well, at least you had the chance to meet him", Lili said with a small smile. Nina nodded. Emily is downstairs, messing with jin's hair while he's sleeping. Her sister, Louisa, was in the kitchen, making some popcorn. After that, all of the girls went upstairs to try on the stuff that they had bought earlier today. It seems like they had a stress free day today.

Jin's POV.
I woke up from my short nap and realised that it was 6:30 already. The girls must be back and I was right. I woke up the other guys and went to wash our face and brush our teeth. Well, me and the guys did nothing basically, we just watched movies, joked around with each other and slept. I went upstairs to clean up and I overheard the girls laughing and talking. I peeked through Emily's door and saw a pile of shopping bags. I guess the phrase "shop till you drop" is real.

After washing up, I decided to order some Chinese food. The girls didn't feel like cooking and I wanted something simple. After making the call, I waited at the living room, going through the channels, and I'm starting to feel bored. Not long after that, Emily came and i opened my arms for a hug and surprisingly, she hugged me and we cuddled. "What's with the face?", Emily asked while playing with my hair. "What face?", I asked. "You look bored", Emily answered simply. "Yea, nothing's on the tv and I don't know what to watch". "Well, you can watch me", she answered with a laugh. "Eh, you're quite boring", I said with a chuckle. "You're such a meanie", she said with a pout. "Aw, I was joking, em", I said while pinching her cheek. While we were messing with each other,we heard the doorbell rang. It must be the food. I asked Emily to get up from me and I ran downstairs. I saw the delivery boy holding the food I ordered earlier and I paid and called everyone for dinner. Well, I ordered  us ordered the same thing so that we won't question each other's food and to be fair.

Emily sat next to me at the dining table and grabbed her noodles. She tried using the chopsticks but she keeps failing. It's funny and cute to watch her struggle with the chopsticks. I "accidentally" let out a laugh and earned a hit on the arm from Emily. "Don't laugh at me! The noodles are hard to pick up", she said. "I think you're gonna be needing this, em", hwoarang said while handing Emily a fork. "Thanks", Emily said with a smile. We all ate, had a few laughs, and joked around. Having dinners like this reminds me of my mom.

I tried getting that thought out off my head but it was tough. Emily noticed my mood changed. "Jin, are you okay?", she asked while looking worried. "Yea, im good", I answered quickly. *sigh* I don't like to her looking worried like that. After we're done eating, all of us went up to the media room and just sat there. I don't know what to do and then hwoarang came up with an idea. "Hey guys, how about we play a game of truths? It's like truth or dare but there are only truths in this one", he said excitedly. "I don't see any harm in that, so why not", I said while fixing my posture. "Okay, who wants to go first?", hwoarang asked and Nina raised her hand.

Hwoarang: okay, Nina. Start.
Nina: hmm, Emily, what do you wanna work as in the future?
Emily: me? Uh, maybe things that involve science and all that. Because that would be so cool.
Lili: asuka, what's your biggest fear?
Asuka: that would be snakes🐍
Hwoarang: Jin. Do you have feelings for Emily? And why?
*everybody goes ooooohh*
Jin: *looks down* you always give me tough ones. *lets out a deep breath* yes.. she's like the nicest girl I've met. We were rough on each other at first but something changed that. Like isn't the word.. it's love. I love her.
Emily: *blushes* well, I feel the same way too.
Jin: *whispers* be my gf? Please?
Emily: *nods* and kisses Jin in the cheek,
Steve: let's continue the game before that goes further *points to Emily and Jin*
Jin: shut up Steve.
Lili: Alisa! Would you prefer Lars or Christie to go on vacation with you?
Alisa: hmm, I would say Lars but Christie is fun. So, I'll go with Christie.

Emily's POV
I can't believe Jin asked me to be his girlfriend. I mean he's my kidnapper and we started falling for each other. I know, it's an unlikely story but I can tell that there's something good about it. To be honest, Jin is my definition of a perfect guy. He may look like he's gonna kill you, but trust me, he has a soft spot. He just need to control his emotions a little bit more. I looked up to the clock and it was almost 1 a.m. . "Hey guys? I'm going to sleep now, if you don't mind", I said while yawning. "Yea, you go first. I'll be there later", Jin said with a small smile. "What? I didn't say anything wrong. Or did I?", Jin said to the others.

I went up to my room, changed into my pyjamas and got into bed and tucked myself in the blanket. I kept smiling thinking that i finally have someone to share my life with. Not long after that, I heard a knock on the door and jin came in. "You're going to sleep early?", Jin asked while sitting next to me. "Yea, im pretty tired. Because of shopping earlier today". "You wanna sleep here or you wanna sleep in my room?", Jin asked. "I'll sleep here. But.. can you stay?", I asked while making puppy eyes. "Of course, anything for you", Jin said while getting in bed. We cuddled and dozed off together.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated for so long. Ya know, school started, homeworks and such. I hope you liked this chapter and I think that this is one of the longest chapter that I've wrote. So, see ya later!😘

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