Surprise for Jin

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Emily's POV
I woke up with a stretch and turned over and faced Jin. I smiled while watching Jin sleep. I mean, he looks so relaxed and peaceful. I stroked his faces and swept his hair off his forehead. After a few minutes, he finally woke up and cuddled me. "Good morning, babe", he said while giving my cheek a light peck. "Good morning, love", I said back while pinching his cheek. "You're such a cutie", I said while getting up. "Em, I am not cute", he said. "I'm going downstairs, gonna make breakfast", I said while changing my clothes. I went straight to the kitchen and went to the fridge.

I grabbed several eggs, some flour, milk and some sausages. First, I cracked some of the eggs and start to fry them up. After a few minutes, the eggs are ready. I made some pancakes with the remaining eggs, flour, and milk. As I finished cooking, I see Jin and the rest walk down the stairs. Jin was wearing a formal shirt, his black trench coat, and a pair of formal slacks. "Where are you going?", I asked while setting the table. "Baby, im going to work, it's been days since I went to work", he said while giving me a kiss in my forehead. "Aww, does this mean I have to be alone for the rest of the day", I said while pouting. "As much as I hate to admit it, yes. But don't worry, I'm sure Asuka can accompany you today", Jin said and Asuka nodded. "Does this mean I need to go too?", Nina said while tying her hair up into a ponytail. "Hmm, I don't think so", Jin said while taking a bite of his sausage. "Well, I can spend the day with you too, Em", Nina said while taking a seat next to me.

After breakfast, everyone else had to leave because they had other things to do for the day. I waved to Jin as he drove away. I went back inside to join Nina and Asuka. "So, what do you wanna do today?", Nina asked me. "Hmm, Im not really sure, Nina", i said while taking a seat on the couch and setting my coffee mug in the table. "Nina, is Jin's schedule packed for today?", I asked. "Hmm, nope. I just checked last night and he's free today. Why?", Nina asked with her eyebrows furrowed. "I think I wanna make a surprise for him. Ya know, like a surprise visit", I said with a cheeky grin on my face. "Ugh, more of the cheesy things", Asuka said while rolling her eyes and laying down on the couch. " I just miss him that's all", I said while grabbing my laptop.

Third person's POV
The girls spent their time talking to each other and joking around. Nina isn't always the joking type but when she has friends, she's very cheerful. Asuka is actually a friendly person. But, she's a bit picky. The three of them decided to bake and made a huge mess in the kitchen. They successfully made a cake and a chocolate pie. After cleaning up, they decided to rest for a bit.

Emily's POV
"Um guys? I wanna go out.. you wanna come along?", I said while tying my hair into a ponytail. "Where exactly?", Nina asked. "To surprise Jin", I said with a cheeky smile. "Ya know, I would go, but, I'll stay here. Just to give you two some privacy", Nina said with a smirk and Asuka nodded. "Ugh, just stop teasing me", I said while rolling my eyes and putting on my leather jacket.

I started the engine and drove off to jin's office. He didn't told me where it was but I'm smart enough to use my gps. I laughed at myself, thinking how "smart" I am. After about 40 minutes, I arrived. I was grateful because traffic wasn't so bad. Once I got to the reception, I asked the lady at the counter where Jin's office was. She asked me why I wanted to see him and I said that Jin sent me and she stopped questioning. Well, Jin's office was on the top floor.. and the elevator ride was pretty long. After some time, the elevator reached it and I see a big door, leading to his office. I knocked twice and heard Jin said "come in". I took a step in and he looked at me, surprised. "Baby, what are you doing here?", Jin said while hugging me and picking me up. "Nothing, just wanted to surprise you", I said while hugging him back. "Well, it definitely worked", he said with a big smile on his face. "Are you busy?", I asked. Jin offered me to sit on the couch in his office and he sat next to me. "Nope, just checking the files to make sure everything is right", he said calmly. "Hmm.. what did you girls do before you came here?", Jin asked me while playing with my hair. I told him about making the mess and baking a chocolate pie. "Is there any pie left?", he asked. "Well, there was before I left.. but I don't know if Asuka and Nina devoured it", I said, snuggling into his chest. "Aw", he said while pouting. "Hehe, don't worry, love. If there isn't any, I can make some more", I said while sweeping the hair off his face. He thanked me and said "ya know, sweetheart, I'm kinda sleepy.. why don't we take a quick nap? Hm?", he said while leaning on the couch. I agreed and snuggled him. "But do you remember how long your nap was when you said it was a short one?", I asked while laughing. "I thought we agreed not to talk about this?", he asked and pinched my cheeks. "Oops", said while kissing his nose. "Goodnight, Jin", I said and we dozed off. I was happy that I got to see him.

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