Who are you?

564 15 3

Emily's POV

Gosh, I feel so tired right now. Hmm, I'll change into my pyjamas. "Maybe I'll reward myself with some food". As i walked to the kitchen, I was shocked because it looked like it hasn't been used for a long time. Maybe Jin rarely eats at home or he doesn't have someone to cook for him. I laughed to myself because it sounds quite right. I decided to make some spaghetti because it's easy and there's enough ingredients to make it. I decided to make some for Jin as well. It took me about an hour to make dinner. I called jin to have dinner and he ran down the stairs quickly. "I haven't had anything as good as this for years", Jin compliments my cooking. "I'll take that as a compliment,thanks". "So have you decided to forgive me?", asked Jin. "Yea, I forgive you", I replied back with a smile.
"Thank you", Jin smiled as i nodded.

*a couple of hours later*

"Dang, im so sleepy and tired", I whispered to myself. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Once I got in bed and pulled my blanket over my body and I can't stop thinking about Jin. "Am I having feelings for him?", my heart began to question myself. "That's crazy", I said to myself. I slept not long after that.

* a few hours later *

I woke up and I could see the moonlight through the window of my room. I looked at my phone and it was 3:30 a.m.. I heard something and I thought that it was Jin and I saw a figure at my balcony. I rubbed my eyes to make sure that I wasn't seeing such things. The figure had something like wings on its back. I gathered all my courage and walked towards my balcony and looked at the figure. He had grey eyes, horns on his head, pitch black wings. Once I got to see his face it looked familiar. "No, it couldn't be", I whispered to myself. The figure came closer and closer and I was slowly walking backwards and he grabbed me And I asked him "who are you?". "It's me", he revealed his and it was Jin. "Jin, why are you like this? What happened?", I asked him curiously. He started crying and said "why can't I be like anybody else? Why can't I have a normal life? Why me?". Being confused, I asked him "Jin, what are you talking about!?!". "My.. my grandfather betrayed me, my father left me and mom and my mom went missing just days after I turned fifteen, I don't have any family members left except my cousin and I don't have much friends too", he answered between sobs. I don't know what got into me that made me hug Jin. As I was hugging him, his wings slowly disappeared, along with the markings on his body, the horns on his head and he went back to normal. I wiped his tears off and i askwd him whether he wanted to stay here and he nodded. All that I can learn from this is everyone has a weakness of soft side inside of them. I feel sorry for Jin. I feel bad for not treating him well. I guess all he needs is just someone.

Aye guys, what do you think about this chapter? Do feel free to tell me to fix anything or to improve. See ya later✌🏻✌🏻

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