A Lazy Sunday

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Third person's POV

Emily and Jin decided to rest and chill today because it's Sunday. For them, the day was going slow because they didn't have and don't want to do anything.

Emily's POV

After I woke up, I checked my phone and went straight into the shower. I picked out my clothes for today which consists of a grey t-shirt, black leggings and a gold headband. I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for Jin and I . I was planning to make some scrambled eggs, sausages, and some pancakes. Well, it looks like today is our cheat day because we were quite active most of the time, especially Jin. He trains martial arts a lot but I don't know what for. Making breakfast didn't took so long and after I was done in the kitchen, I went up to jin's room to wake him up. "Jin, wake up", I said while patting his shoulders. He replied back by saying "just give me 5 minutes more". "Jin, you slept early last night and the breakfast is gonna get cold", with that, I pulled down his blanket and he got up instantly. "You're just lucky I'm being nice today", he said with a smirk. "Well, I'll see ya downstairs", and after that, I went downstairs and waited for Jin.

Jin's POV

Wow, I never thought that I'd found someone that's so nice to me. I got into the shower and started doing my daily shower routine. I got dressed into a black sleeveless top and some grey sweatpants. I immediately went downstairs after I got dressed and I see Emily already waiting for me at the table. She's looking cute today. Well, but not as cute as me though. I sat in front of her and started eating breakfast together. I wanted to start the conversation so I asked whether she wanted to see her father today and she nodded with a smile. To be honest, I've never seen her smiling like that. We finished our breakfast in 30 minutes. After that, I called her father to see if he's free today.

"Hello, Daniel. Wanna see your daughter?"
"Oh,its you, Jin. Of course I wanna see her"
"Alright, you can come today"
"Thank you, bye"
*end of phone call*

"Your father is coming today", I said to Emily. She looks like she's so excited to meet her father after days of not seeing him. Well, I don't really know that feeling because I never had a father that stays with my mom and i. About an hour and a half later, I heard a knock on the door and went to get it. I see that Emily's father and he brought a girl too. The girl looks older and I think that she's Emily's sister. When Emily came into the living room, she ran towards her father and the girl to give them a hug. I smiled at the sight of Emily being so happy. I wish I knew the feeling of getting into a huge hug. "Louisa, i missed you so much!", Emily said to her sister. "Aw, Em, I missed you too, little sis." "So, Emily is the baby of the family", I said to myself. "How's sam?", asked Emily. "Who's sam?", that question popped in my head. "He's fine", Louisa answered simply. "I'm sorry, Emily, but your sister and I gotta go to a meeting", Daniel said to Emily which made her mood drop. "Aw, can't you guys stay a little longer? Or can Louisa stay for just a day?", Emily sound like she doesn't want her sister to go. "I'm sorry, but your brother sam is on a business trip to France so that's why I asked Louisa here to cover for him", Daniel said while ruffling Emily's hair. "Hmm, alright, bye dad! Bye sis!", Emily waved at them as they left.

Emily's POV

"Hm, I just wanted them to stay a little longer", Emily said while throwing herself on the couch. "Emily, I'm sure you can see them longer soon. But as they said, they're quite busy.", Jin said to me while taking a seat next to me. "Can we do something today?", i asked Jin. "Like what? This?", Jin said while leaning in closer and thank god i pushed him away just in time. "Not that, idiot", I gave him a deadly glare. "I'm just messing with you, Emily," Jin said while laughing."we can watch movies upstairs, let's go," Jin said while pulling me up. Jin took me to a media room. It has a huge TV, some music instruments, and an art section. I stared at awe as soon as I got in the room. "What movie do you wanna watch?", jin asked me. "Do you have any Disney movies?", I asked while smiling. "Yea, what do you wanna watch?". I thought about it for a minute and decided to watch 'The Little Mermaid'. About halfway through the movie, Jin wrapped his arm around me. I don't know what got into him that made him like this, but I don't mind. After the movie finished, I asked Jin what was he training for. Before he answered, he took in a deep breath and said that he's gonna enter 'The King Of Iron Fist' tournament . I suddenly remembered that my brother, Sam, had talked about going to watch the tournament live. Jin also explained that his company is sponsoring the tournament. Jin asked if I had any plans for tomorrow and I asked him if I could bring my cat here and he said yes. Not long after that, Jin and I dozed off in each other's arms,

Hi guys! This chapter is quite long and what do you think about it? I mean, Jin is being so nice and cute here. Later, peeps✌🏻✌🏻

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