Chapter 1 (rewriten)

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The  y/n are short for your name so if you see that you know to put your name there. And if you see f/n , f/c , or f/f . It stands for friend's name , favorite color , and favorite food.

  Reader's POV:

You were at the bank to visit a friend who was cashing in money. Why? because she asked you to come. " Hi y/n how have you been?" Iris says waving to you in line. "Oh hi Iris I've been doing great. How have you been? " you ask . "Great just standing here bored in line waiting to cash some money in. Will you stay and chat with me while i wait in line?" A hopeful smile on her face. "Well that's what I'm here for Iris." You reply with a smile. You were expecting to be there and chat with your friend and stuff but what you weren't expecting was to be there for a bank robbery. You and Iris quickly turn around at the sound of the bust of the doors flying open. "Everyone done now this is a bank robbery!!!! " You hear from the one with a blue parka, the hood covering his face and blue colored goggles with a gun in his hand. "And if anyone doesn't get down I'm going to enjoy killing them!!!!" You hear from the other guy who looks like a factory worker with fire resistant gloves a heavy fire resistant coat and heavy fire resistant pant suspenders. Immediately Everyone drops to the floor like hail falling from the sky, you and Iris also drop. You see the two men walk over to the worker who is obviously scared to death. " Take us to the vault!!!!" Said the one in the blue parka. The worker got up and took them straight to the vault. " Who where those people Iris do you know? Does Barry know?" You ask in a whispering voice so no one can hear. " I don't know but let me ask Barry." Grabbing out her phone Iris asks Barry. ( oh I forgot to mention you and Iris know that Berry is the flash and that when the Particle accelerator exploded you were at the Zoo with all the animals feeding them because you were filling in for your other friend who was sick that day. After you were found unconscious by your friend Iris you were taken to star labs because Iris was told they could help you. After you woke up hours after you got home you found out that you could turn into anything , anyone with their powers if any , form anything in your bare hands like a bat to defend yourself that one time. ANYTHING!!! There is your quick back story I will fill in the rest in an actual chapter) " Ok Barry said that those guys were Captain Cold and Heat wave." She says. " Ok thank you Iris. I'm just going to take a wild guess that Captain Cold had the blue parka and stuff and Heat wave was the factory worker guy. " You say with a little sarcasm in that last comment. " Ok stay here I'm going to see what they are going after. Ok?" You say. "No y/n stay here if you follow them you might get yourself hurt or even worse killed!!!" Iris says in a worried voice. "Dooooonnn't worry I'll be fine besides I am the master of form after all." You say the last part quietly to only were only Iris can hear. " Huuu fine go. But if you get hurt it's not my fault because I warned you." She warns. You run off in the direction of where Cold and Heat wave went and find them almost done packing their bags with the cash and the worker frozen and dead on the floor. " HOLD IT!! Boys I'm giving you one chance to put all that money away." You say. Both Heat wave and Captain Cold turn around at the sound of your voice. Cold stands up and walks 3 feet in front of you and takes his hood and googles off to where now you can see his icy blue eyes with your lime green ones. " And what are you gunna do sweetie. We are to criminals with guns and your a pretty lady with nothing as a weapon." He says with a smirk. All you can do is stare at him in the eyes and just go "I uh I I uh." He smirks at you and walks back to what he was doing before you walked in ( pack bags full of money n stuff worth lots of money) " Who are you anyways people call you Heat wave and Captain Cold but what are your real names e uh if you aren't to busy to tell me." You say . " Ha ha ha oh your a name person asking bad guys for names. For what autographs or something." Cold says with an evil smirk on his face. " Uh the or something one."you say. "Ok fine just because we might kill you after we are done anyways. My name is Leonard Snart and my partner in crime is Mick Rory." Cold says . After they finished packing the money they stand up and grab their guns and walk over to you. Your starting to feel defenseless and start to get scared. Looking into your lime green eyes Leonard speaks up. "I am sparing you just because you stayed even though I said that I was probably going to kill you after I gave you our names. Good bye uh what's your name? " he asks. "Y/n." You say. "Uh what a beautiful name. Well good bye y/n." He says leaving you in the vault and walking off you give a big sigh of relief. But all of a sudden you hear shooting. Rushing out of the room you see Captain Cold who you found as Leonard Snart shooting at Barry who is the Flash. Eventually stopping the Flash ( temporarily ) with a frozen wall the criminals make a break for it. Running to the door and watching them ride off you quickly turn to The Flash. "Are you ok Barry?" You ask since all the other people have left when the fight first started. " Yah I'm find are you?" He asks. " Yes im fine stop worrying about me you know I can take care of myself after all I have my very own powers." You smile. " Yah I guess so... Well you should be heading home y/n.... Do you want me to take you home?" He asks. " No i can walk besides aren't you taking Iris your roommate home since you both live in the same house kinda considered family by know?" You ask. "Oh yes that's right Good night y/n. He smiles wth a dumb face. " Good night Berry and Iris." You say as you stand there as you watch Berry pick up Iris ( bridal style ) and zoom off. You start walking off to your apartment thinking of Leonard , his voice , and his icy blue eyes. You reach home and put your f/c pajamas on and lay in bed still thinking of the criminal named Leonard until you fell asleep. Sorry for the long chapter I hoped you enjoy and I will be coming out with chapter 2 of Leonard X reader along with the Captain canary chapter 1. It might not be tomorrow ( today when you get this because no wifi until today as in New Years for you ) because that's New Year's Day so probably after.

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