Chapter 7 (Rewritten)

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Thanks to Kaitygirlx  for the answer comment on putting Mick together with Lisa 🙂 and for all those reading my book or suggesting putting Mick and Lisa together but I've not seen their comment yet thank you very much. Enjoy the this chapter
You woke up the next morning and look at your hand to see if it was all a dream. "Yes yes yes !!! It wasn't a dream I really am engaged. " You said full of joy. Knock!! Knock!! Knock!! "Hay babe you up?" A familiar voice said It was Leonard. "Yah I'm up" You say. "Good because Lisa made breakfast and I think you might want to come down and get some before Mick eats them all" He said. Mick has always loved Lisa's cooking even if it was burnt or cooked wrong in some way which made you curious as to why. "In other words that means get up quick" He called from on the other side of the door. "I'm coming jeez are you late for something?" You asked. "Yes I am now get up I want to show what I'm late for." He said. You got out of bed and quickly made it than you got dressed and brushed your hair. You open the door to see a Leonard outside waiting for you. "So what did you want to show me that you were so late for."You asked with your arms a crossed your chest. "One so you can get some food before Mick eats it all and two for this. " In one swift move Leonard's lips were touching your in a short yet sweet kiss. "Oh so your were late in kissing me were you." You say with a smirk before pulling him in for a kiss my the collar of his shirt. It's been about a couple seconds into the kiss before Lisa came up stairs. "Come on love birds don't let Mick eat all of the breakfast. " She said putting one hand on her hip. You both stop kissing after hearing what she said and started for the stairs. "Hay Lisa you know I think Mick likes you." You whisper. "You really think so?" She asked with excitement all over her face. "Yah you should ask him but don't make it too obvious." You whisper to here. "Thanks Y/n I don't know what I would do without a girl friend like you." She said before hugging you. You all had finished breakfast and the good thing is you actually got a decent sized breakfast you know before Mick got to it. After breakfast you and Lisa were plotting on how to see if Mick liked her. "Ok you got it?" You ask. "Yah I think so" She says. "Ok let's go over it one more time just for assurance." You suggest. "Ok the plan was that you go down and talk to him about me and see if he cares wants to hear more and if he talks about me and if so I make my move." She says not really sure of the plan. You go down to find Mick on the couch next to Leonard and they were talking about something you know it's something because Mick looks over to Leonard with a shocked expression on his face. You hear Leonard mumble something else after spotting you on the stairs than walks away. You take this as you chance for your plan. "Hay Mick what do you thing about Lisa." You ask. "If your talking about her traits than I thinks she cooks decent meals and looks nice." He says trying to show he doesn't care about the conversation and say anything that would give away anything that he doesn't what to give away. "Ok and anything else you want to say about her." You ask. "Nope. " He says before taking another sip of his beer hoping you would buy his fake act and you do. You walk up stairs after asking a few more questions and into the room Lisa was waiting in. You have a saddened look on your face which tells her it's a flop. "I'm sorry Lisa I ... " you said before Mick walked into the arch of the door. "Hay Y/n what was all the questions for." He asked. "N-nothing." You say before looking over to a know sad Lisa. Mick notices and walks into the room. "Is there something wrong Lisa." He asks lifting up her chin with his fingers so she would look at him. She instantly jerks her head away from him. "There was but I will get over it." She whispers. "What is it." He asks pretending to look confused even though he knows what's going on and why she is sad thanks to Leonard spying on there plan making meeting. "I-I l-liked y-you but Y/n's expression said you didn't." She said quietly trying to say it quiet enough for Mick to not hear but he did. He starts laughing. "So you like me eh well good luck on living your life after this." He says. Lisa looks up confused and is about to ask him something but is stoped by lips and surprisingly they are of someone who she didn't think it would be Mick. Mick started kissing her and she sat there shocked for about five seconds before kissing back. He pulls away. "What did you think of that " He asks "I -I thought you didn't like me." She says. "It was your brother's idea to pretend I didn't like you to see if you really liked me." He says. "Yep and my plan worked out perfectly." He says as he leans on the wall in the doorway with Y/n beside him. "Thanks for the help boss." Mick says. "Yah thank you Lenny." Lisa says.

There it is the next chapter I know I know the pic doesn't match with the chapter but I saw it and thought it was cute so I put it up I hope yo all enjoyed reading it and again thanks to Kaitygirlx for the answer comment on my question on putting Mick and Lisa together and sorry for the really lat update I have school through the weekdays and other things on Saturday and sometimes Sunday because I have a busy schedule I hope you all understand. Again hope you all enjoyed reading this byeeeee 😎

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