Chapter 6 (Rewriten)

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Hay Guys there is a surprise in this chapter try and guess what before you get closer to the end ( no cheating) I bet none of you can guess it but if you can than you are awesome and those who can't guess well you suck NO I'm joking you are awesome as well so enjoy this chapter and I hope you enjoy

It's been three weeks know since you and Leonard kissed and ever since then you both were secretly dating. ( well Mick knew but he didn't care. If his boss was happy being with you than so was he besides he enjoyed having you around and on missions too) Every once in a while you would pause your daytime job as a worker at Jitters and as sh/n ( superhero name) to help Mick and Leonard pull of a robbery of some sorts without Berry, Iris, or West from knowing too. But you guys were eventually caught by the police and lucky for you West was nowhere in sight to see you. The three of you were being put into a transport vehicle to get your new criminal identity checked out but what the cops didn't realize was that the Y/n they were loading into the back of the truck was a fake you, thanks to your awesome superpowers you were the cop in the passenger seat waiting for the signal from Lenny to strike. The truck has been driving for twenty minutes know and you hear a thump in the back of it which makes you pull to a stop." Hay why did you stop we. " Is what the other cop was saying before you knocked him out. "Can it cop that's the signal we're ditching this crummy prison truck. " You say as you walk out of the drivers seat and to the back of the van. " Hello beautiful nice to see you. " Leonard says when you open the truck door."  All the criminals try to bolt for the door which means knocking Leonard onto the ground which set you off. All the criminals went flying as  you used your powers to chain them to their seats. "WATCH WHO YOU RUN INTO YOU IDIOTS!! " You shout to all the criminals who are know chained to their seats. "Since when is a cop so caring about this idiot huh?" One of the men chained said. "FIRST!! off I'm NOT!! a COP!! and second. " You said trying to cool down. "Babe it's ok these guys are going to jail anyways so they are the idiots because they didn't have a plan of breaking out like I did and second these idiots don't have a beautiful lady like you in their plan." Leonard says with a smirk like smile on his face. "Oh that is so kind of you Lenny I love your compliment." You say before you give him a quick kiss and unchain him and Mick who is the only other person standing besides you. "So should we be going Boss. Before the other cops wake up?" Mick asks all innocently. "Ok let's go I have a place I have to be at with in a bit anyways. " Leonard says before winking at you. "See you bums  in another life. " Mick shouts before they all leave them there.

Time skip of you, Leonard and Mick getting back to the hide out.

It's been about thirty minutes since Leonard went to do something and you were starting to get worried. "Do you think he will be ok Mick he's been gone for a while." You ask concerned. "If I know my Boss in which I do he will be back and if he gets caught well you can kick some cop butt to get him back well with the help of me. " Mick says after taking a sip of his beer. "I'm back!! " Leonard shouts before he walks through the door. "Your back!! Where did you go? " You ask kinda curious as to where he went. " A secret" He states with a smirk in your direction. "Now let's go I'm taking you somewhere nice Mick you wanna come? " He says. "Uh nah I don't wanna get in the way of her big day and my favorite show is coming on but can you bring me something hope like a big bottle of beer and a burger with some fries on the side that would be nice. " Mick states. "Ok I will than any kind in particular? " Leonard asks him. "The good kind. " He states before finishing the rest of his beer. "Ok and Y/n get something nice on we're heading out. " He says to you. "Oooooh where are we going. "You say with a smirk. "It's a surprise know get something nice on. "

Time skip to restaurant

You both pull up to a restaurant that said Prime Time. "Oh so that's were your taking me. " You say shocked at were you are eating out usually it at saints and sinners or some other place that served beer just for Mick. "You like?" He asks as he watches you climb of the back of his motorcycle. You both walk in and order your food and Leonard orders a to go box for Mick but had them make it when you both were about half way done with your food. You both were having a great time when all of a sudden Leonard stands up from his seat. "Where are you going? You ask kinda curious. Im just standing up so I can do something. " He says standing in front of the table. "Like what? "You ask. "This. " Leonard leans down on one knee and pulls out a small black box from his pocket. "Y/n would you Marry me and make me the happiest crook. " He says while opening the box to reveal a Diamond ring 💍 while he says the last part quietly with a smile. "Oh Lenny I do. " You say just so happy as you see the biggest smile on his face appear while he puts the ring 💍 on your finger. You  suddenly hear the clapping of hands and whistles of the other customers as they watched all of it happen. Leonard turns around to see and applauding crowd of people than turns back to you   With the smile still on his face before he starts kissing you. You enjoyed the rest of the day just happy for this moment that you've been waiting for before Leonard grabs Mick's dinner and walks you out after paying.

Time skip back to base

Leonard and you walk into the building to see Mick on the couch watching tv before he is handed his dinner he gets up to get some things which leaves you a chance so you take it. You push Leonard onto the couch and sit next to him and kiss him with Lenny kissing back. Mick walks into the room and gives out a little laugh. "So it looks like she likes the surprise from you". He says before he eats his food and than three hours later you all head to bed.
Surprise!!! Y/n gets engaged!! Hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter and tell me what you think on putting Mick and Lisa together in here too. Hay Mick can't be alone forever! Well again hope you enjoyed sorry for the late update I try and type my story on my free time (hope you understand). Oh and the reason there are two cursing attempt like words there is because I don't like  cussing or cursing or putting it in my stories so that's why they are there ( again hope you understand if not sorry it's not my thing) bye 😎😎

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