Chapter 2 (rewriten)

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Sorry I updated so late I had school. You know the thing people do to learn and other stuff going on in my live too hope you understand. Anyways here is chapter 2 of Leonard X reader. Enjoy !!

Leonard's POV:

"Who was that girl?" Leonard said to himself . He says to himself as he gets of his motorcycle and heads into Jitters for some morning Iced coffee . Opening the door he walks over to the counter to order his coffee not knowing that the girl he met at the bank yesterday worked there as the server ( gives the people their order) "What would you like sir?" A woman behind the counter asked. "I would like one iced coffee please. " He replied. "Would you like it for here or to go?" The lady asked. "Uh for here please." He says " Ok it will be ready in a bit and what is your name sir?" She asks him. "Leonard" He replies "Ok thank you and your drink will be down in a bit Mr. Leonard." She says turning around with a devious looking smile. "Oooook." He goes over and sits at a table and waits for his drink.

Reader's POV:

Waking up to a beeping alarm you quickly turn it off and hop out of bed and head strait for the shower. After your shower you put your f/c shirt on and head out to Jitters. "Why can't I stop thinking about that guy from yesterday? And I wonder if I will ever see him again?" You say to yourself as you hop into your car and head off to Jitters.

Time skip:
You hop out of your car you walk up to Jitter's door to start your morning. "Good morning y/n . Ready for work today?" r/n (random name) asks " I sure am." you reply with a fake smile on your face "What's up y/n and you aren't getting out of this one."  She says while she unlocks and opens the door. "Well it's this guy..." you say before you were cut of by your friend "Oh is he hot?" She asks with a smirk . "Yeees. " You reply with slight hesitation on your answer knowing what r/n would say next. "Eeeeek do you like him?" She says with excitement hoping you say yes or something close to it. "Uh I think so I can't stop thinking of him." You say "Yes I new it !! Ha ha what kind of guy is he ho a bad boy?"  She says with a smirk. "How's about we get to work and I can tell you later. Ok? " You say hoping to change the subject to something else besides him. "Ok fine but at least tell me his name." She says practically pleading. "Fine!!" You say getting tired of the constant questions. "His name is Leonard." You look at her "Ohhhh sounds like a hot name for a so called hot guy."  She says nudging you. You give a huge Sigh as you walk into the back room behind the counter regretting ever telling her about him.

Thirty minute time skip:
Reader and Leonard POV:

r/n walks into the room where all the drinks and stuff are made and walks over to you with a huge devilish smirk on her face. "Hay y/n this person ordered an iced coffee can you go give it to him please." She says "Sure." you reply wondering what is happening that would make your friend would have a devious look on her face for. "Oh and by the way the name of the guy is on the counter out there." You walk out and look at the name and stand there shocked. "Leonard? Here?" You mumble to yourself as you walk over to a table where he is sitting. "Here is you drink sir. " You say while trying to calmly leave without him noticing it was you from yesterday. "Hay I know you. " He says as you instantly stop in your tracks and turn around to face him. "Do you?" You say while trying to avoid eye contact with him. "Yes you have seen me before because I remember you from yesterday. Your that crazy lady who thought you could stop Captain Cold and his partner Heat Wave. " He says while he gives you his signature smirk from yesterday that just left you in love with it too. "So y/n how long have you worked here" he says with a calm face taking a sip of his ice coffee. "How how did you know my name. Did you stalk me or something?" You say getting a little scared that he might show up at your house and maybe kill you. " Relax I know your name because of your name tag and no I haven't started stalking you. . .  yet. " He says the last part a little more quiet so you wouldn't hear before while taking another sip of his ice coffee. "Oh yah I forgot about that sorry. " You say as you let out a sigh of relief after looking at your name tag that said y/n . "So see you at the bar tonight than?  " He says while finishing the last bit of his ice coffee. "Uh yah sure...... is this some sort of hay I just met you and I want to ask you out on a date that day after I meet you but a crummy bar date thing? " You say staring into his icy blue eyes with your lime green ones. " If you want to make it that."  He replays with a big smirk on his face as he stands up and heads for the door. "Hay wait!!! What time and what place " . You say practically shouting. "8:00 tonight at saints and sinners . " He says behind his back and leaves Jitters. "Oooooooooowww someone just got herself a date. " r/n says behind the counter with a big devious smile on your face. "Shut up and take people's orders. " You say blushing with a little smile on your face.

And there you have it chapter 2 of Captain Cold X reader I hope you enjoyed it and again sorry for the it's been a while moment. I will try to update chapter 2 of Captain canary and when I'm done with that chapter 3 for Captain Cold X reader. Bye

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