11. The Race For Claire

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"And you were blamed just because of your obsession with cake?!"

"Well, I won't deny it, but as much as I love cake, I told the Inspector. Sir, I told him, sir I refrained from eating this particular cake. This is evidence!"

"Oh poppycock, Barton!" Chelmey sniffed, unfolding a newspaper and briskly ruffling out the creases. "You scoffed that cake down like there was no tomorrow!" The Constable went to open his mouth when Chelmey raised his finger. "And don't deny it. We got video footage!"

Barton looked uncomfortably at Flora and then jumped as the young girl began to laugh. Her laughter went on for a while, growing and growing until all in the copter couldn't help but find themselves smiling. Flora was almost on the floor with the state she was in, and soon the others found themselves giggling as well. Sure they were in a grim situation, but that didn't mean fun couldn't be found. There is always a light in the dark.

The trip was a long one and they had to stop off for the helicopter to refuel. They had stopped in a nice location and Chelmey and Barton had gone to the nearby store to buy a newspaper and get some food for them all. (In truth, Barton also saw it as an opportunity for some long awaited treats). It was almost ten in the morning and all sorts of worrying thoughts were filling their heads. The Gatherers could be just a few miles behind. Or even ahead!

Inspector Marauder didn't seem at all worried and strutted about as if it was another ordinary day back at the office. Hershel questioned her air of calmness, but knew that she must have had good reason.

"It's because I don't fret needlessly."

"Excuse me?" Hershel inquired, shaking his head as this woman had apparently read his mind.

"Don't worry." She laughed, brushing her hair away from her eyes. Her long blonde hair usually covered most of her face, but now Hershel could see the beauty underneath. "I'm not reading your mind. I just read your face. Your expression gives it away. How can I be so cool right now?"

Hershel didn't say anything and she continued.

"It's because I am a detective. I face all manner of cases, some too horrible to even utter..." She looked down and then suddenly she was smiling and facing him again. "Still, I live through them and come out a better person. I have seen it all and come out stronger each time. Well, I say I have seen it all but this takes the cake!"

"What about the adventures the Professor goes on?" Flora said, appearing from behind the helicopter, still refuelling.

"Well, although half the world may know the wonderful adventures you go on, Professor; I simply have no time to see such news. I have, of course, heard of you, but that's as much as I knew. Just talks of a clever Professor who solved big mysteries. Not too dissimilar from what I do."

"Hey!" The young girl protested. "The Professor goes on far greater adventures than you will ever-"

"That is enough, Flora." Hershel grinned, raising his hand. "Inspector Marauder merely meant that our line of work is similar. Solving mysteries and stopping evil. While I do boast a more exotic line of work, she undoubtedly has seen her fair share of mind-boggling mysteries."

"That I have." The inspector muttered, stopping a moment to lean against a nearby tree.

"I admire you." The Professor suddenly blurted out. He realised what he said and saw the slow look of confusion and shock on the Inspector's face and he blushed and continued. "What I mean is, I admire your strength. Your courage. T-to come out of such hardships and to grow from them. That is what I admire..." He trailed off, cheeks still bright red as the Inspector also found herself blushing.

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