18. A World In Turmoil

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The engine began to splutter and the pilot had the grim fortune to tell the three passengers that they would have to land in Dropstone as they couldn't make it to Folsense without a very unpleasant, if not fatal landing.

Marauder cursed and lowered her head in shame.

"I-I'm sorry... This is my fault... I said we should have kept going, skipping that refuelling stop. I just thought... I just thought we would make it. We need to keep as far ahead as Oliver... This is my fault..." She echoed hollowly.

"Do not blame yourself." Hershel smiled, placing his hand on hers. "We are desperate to keep two steps ahead of Oliver, when even just one step is enough. Dropstone is close. I'm sure we can find some means of transport there."

"But won't that take at least a day in a car?!" Flora exclaimed, holding her head tightly, veins poking out as she began to fret.

"Calm down, Flora. I am sure we will find something."

And find something they did.

As the helicopter made its wavy descent onto a clear stretch of land by the Folsense station, they beamed as they saw the familiar and welcome sight of the Molentary Express stationed and looking ready for action.

"But why is it here?!" Flora pondered, scratching her head. "I thought it left on Friday. Isn't it Wednesday now?"

The three began to make their way out of the station and past the empty fields where the competition had been held when Hershel and Flora last visited.

"Isn't it Thursday?" Inspector Marauder mused, placing her finger on her cheek. It seemed they had all lost track of time. The days had blurred by from the Sunday they arrived there and now they weren't sure if anything was right with all this time confusion.

"I am sure we can ask someone." Hershel stated, grinning as they turned the final corner to the village plaza. Their jaws dropped open at the scene before them. They Plaza was packed with the Folsense townsfolk and some of the Dropstone citizens like Wurtzer. They all appeared to be dancing and signs were displayed everywhere pronouncing:


Amidst the dancing and partying, Hershel could not help but smile as he saw that the small blue-sweatered man dancing with Madeline. He had told the Professor and Dimitri (or Don Paolo) that he liked her and now it seemed they could be together.

Not only them, but it seemed this party was celebrating more than just the anniversary. Other signs were displayed just as prominently and these ones would definitely have confused anyone not privy to the events of the past few days.


The plaza was bathed in a brilliant orange glow and the light from the stars and moon above shone on the town below to deliver a truly stunning view.

"It would appear that this world is in turmoil..." Hershel breathed.

"What do you mean, Professor?" Flora asked, half smiling as she looked upon the celebrations with glee.

"I understand..." Inspector Marauder sighed. "The world is tricked into believing that it is ten years ago, however, they still have half a mind in the now." Studying Flora's blank face, the Inspector shifted her stance and then tried to explain it from another angle. "What I mean by that is that half of their mind is telling them that it is the past, but the other one is telling them that these people have returned from the dead. It's messing with their brains. They can't decide if it is the past and so they have these two signs. One saying it is ten years ago, whilst the other says that their loved ones are back from the dead."

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