Chapter 2: FEELING'S

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TOBY:I woke up this morning a little dizzy but i can't really feel , so i should be fine . As i looked around i didn't see jeff in his bed i sighed thinking of what people are going to think about me, I got interrupted by a voice saying "hey want breakfast ", i wonder the tall figure who was looking at me i started to blush because he had no shirt on and he had abs , i was starting to blush harder and realized it was my room mate jeff i looked away so he won't see be blush of embarrassment . turned my head to see him by the foot of my bed i was sure my face was as red as blood ,he looked at me with confusion i turned my head quick ,at this moment i wanted to die ,i had to calm my self down and i did i turn around again to find him gone. I sighed with relief i thought to my self "why was i blushing and why did i look at his abs UUGH!" , i shook my head to snap out of it and shock it a little to much shaking till the point i hit my head on the wall,"man am i'm i glad i didn't feel that " but my head was bleeding now i walked to the bathroom to find a band ad and when i open the door BOOM! there was jeff naked in the shower i looked at him and he looked at me .I ran out the bathroom and ran right back to the room , what seemed like 5 minutes jeff finally comes out the bathroom immediately turned my head , his black hair hair dripping on his white pale skin , with his deep pool blood my eyes sharp looking with what seems a seduce look had my nose bleeding a little.I whipped my nose good before turning around again i quickly said i'm sorry to him and ran down stairs with my deep red face good thing i had hair long enough to cover it (sigh).

JEFF: I woke up early what was that about I always wake up around one pm, but eight that's not usual but i got up anyway i look to my right to see toby still asleep a part of me was relief that he was still asleep , i was hungry since i didn't eat much last night not even sure if i ate at all, well i walked my way down the stairs made me a bowl of cereal and for some reason i had this feeling like i should go wake toby up so curiosity got the best of me i don't know what the hell is going on i just got out a relationship already i guess i'm being n...n...nice sigh that was so hard to get out never saying it again . We been together for 2 years already me and eyeless jake but i didn't feel like we were clinking very well but what ever that wanna be me jane toke him away and it still hurts seeing them make out in front of me like nothing ever happened DAMN IT! i need to let go anyway i was entering the room but , toby was already awake he turns to look at me but weird with like ,a shock look on his face and turned around again, i ask him , do you want some breakfast i thought he was surprise that i ask him that "psst" i'm surprised i asked him that . Ever time he looks at me he turns around again so i left thinking to my self "that was weird " , i was going to go watch t.v but i thought i should take a shower since i haven't last night i keep thinking about how toby keep turning away is he scared of me mostly everyone is scared of me or his he awkward like i said when i shut him out like that i sighed just thinking about this makes me mad " what ever " .I was singing that song that i toby was singing it calming and true at the same time and realizing how similar me and him are kinda cute if you say , i pat myself in the head trying to get what ever feeling out , but then i was my day dream was gone when somebody busted through the door of the bathroom frozen i stud there watching toby watching me both with shock before i can say something he ran i thought " WHAT A WEIRD KID" . i got the out the shower to see how toby was doing about the whole situation i walked in watching by the door still dripping wet he turned to see me but again turns away like earlier i was just watching him i don't why just starring again before i can say something he say's "I'M SORRY" and runs i stand there then.



(Jeff the killer x Ticci Toby) New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now