The truth pt.3

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Toby: slendy enters my room with silence he seem to observing how fucked up it looks , mirror's shattered, blood everywhere from me cutting , furniture flipped over from the anger i get when the voices tell me thing's I don't want to hear , just know my room looks like a creepy ass muder scene like when a cereal killer takes his hostages and chop their bodies into a pieces and knives hanging on the side for his torture he gives his victims yeeaahhhhh. . . That's how my room looks right now. It's been about a minute since slendy said something idk if he's disgusted,disturbed , disappointed , or just surprised and what sucks is that you can't see his expressions since he doesn't have a face, it just looks like a blank canvas with no emotions. " Toby " slendy says " yes" i replied " Do you want waffles " slendy said " ....." WTF , WHAT WHAT WHAT DID THIS DUDE SERIOUS ASK ME THAT NAHHHHH HE SEE'S HOW THIS ROOM LOOKS AND HE'S NOT EVEN FREAKED OUT AND HE ASK ME IF I WANT FUCKING WAFFFLLLLLEESSSS " I..i .. whaa" i said " do you want waffles " he replied once again " sooo your not mad at me" i asked him " why would i be , everyone has a moment and needs space i get that i wouldn't yell at you for being upset " slendy said . I can't believe this, i did not expect this at all I was expecting a huge ass punishment but ok i guess " Hahahaha stupid just die " one of the voice said " shut up " i told it , slendy looked at me and i guess he knew since he reads minds and Stuff like that " Are they bothering you again" he asked " yupp" i replied " and they won't stop".

HAHAHAHA Pt 4 is coming soon , this was short and all but don't u worry the big stuff is coming soon 🙃🙃🙃

(Jeff the killer x Ticci Toby) New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now