Chapter 7 (Edited)

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As the messy haired male walked inside both his family and friends had taken a seat at a dining table with the people who had invited them over. He took a seat getting heart shaped looks from the two females who were of the same age as him. He forced a smile to play on his lips still in mild shock of his discovery moments back.

"I'm really glad you all could make it! I prepared these American dishes just for you guys! I really hope you enjoy every last bit of it!" Jessie hid a smirk forming after she spoke a lie, taking credit of the work a certain honey blonde had done. "Wait where is little Serena? Doesn't she live here as well?" Delia questioned the family who stared wide eyed at the question unsure of what to say.

"She went to a sleepover with her friends, she was snobby enough not to at least welcome you back home!" Jessie forced another smile on her face as she tried to put them at ease. Though they all bought it Ash was confused as to why they would lie about it when he had seen the said female a few moments back.

"Oh! Almost forgot, my dear daughters have a song for you all!" The blue haired female stood up from her seat content with the attention she was now receiving from the group of males. A certain pink haired beauty slowly stood up as well uncertain of the results from their little incoming performance.

"One . . . Two . . . Three!" Their voices surprised them, they weren't properly taught and they lacked a few things but the guests couldn't hurt the feelings of the hostesses even if they were lying to them. When the song finished nobody said a word nor did they wish to Incase they accidentally spoke the truth.

"I'm sorry to say this but . . . Did you even practice the song?" Ash spoke up, earning glares from his parents and light nudges from the oldest member of the group. Miette cracked a smile while intertwining her fingers together. "Why don't you help me then? I could use some sort of vocal teacher since the last one bailed on me" She spoke with an innocent voice that her own mother awed at while Ash's mother could easily read past her facade.

"I'm sorry honey but my son isn't really much of the teaching type his patience runs really slow at times." She answered for him getting stares from her family. It was a mother instinct that could easily tell her whether someone's actions were good or bad, it was her that had the power to get positive things going, it was her that knew who would be needed in her families lives.

"Right . . . I'm very sorry for the random question! My apologies!" The pink haired sister bowed a sign of respect before pulling her sister down back into her seat. Miette forced another smile wanting to forget she was just rejected not by her all time boy band crush but by his mother. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment just by thinking about it.

The night progressed with the grownups chatting away and getting to the point where the boys were getting tired of it and were close to running away with how uncomfortable the looks Miette and Ursula made them feel.

The stars shined brightly while a certain female hid behind the tree her family use to lay out to watch the sun set and the stars beginning to appear. She finally had managed to get her precious companion down and was looking up at the stars as she petted the feline. Her head rested on the rough bark of the tree but she didn't mind it, too caught up in the sight before her eyes.


"Let's just wait a little longer before we walk in . . . We don't want to interrupt their dinner conversation." She responded as if she understood the meowing of the creature she held in her lap. "Hmm . . . Do you think the voice from earlier was one of the boys? They must have thought I was crazy trying to catch you . . ." A silent giggle escaped her lips as she looked from the stars to her friend.

"Well now they know who I am!" The sound of the front door opening and the mumbled voices caused her to turn towards the direction of her home. She was sure the guests were done and were ready to get back home, Serena stood up with the cat now being carried like a child in her arms. "Let's get going, I don't want them to see you." As said, the female quietly rushed to her bedroom where she set the kitten down and not even a second passed until she heard her name being called by her step mother.

Thus began her chores once more, cleaning up the plates left from their dinner, gathering the scraps of leftovers into a plastic container for her friend in her bedroom, wiping the table until it was squeaky clean, and washing the dishes. Mere to say she put on a smile as she cleaned happily not bothered by how the chores would cause her to become sore any day now.


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