Chapter 34 (Edited)

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Serena's POV:
The minute I walked inside the home of mine, Jessaline frantically walked around the living room with her phone in one ear held up by her shoulder and a pencil and pad with her hands. Ursula and Miette were on separate couches typing away on their phones.

"Yes, Yes I do understand . . . Is there anything else that could change that?"

I felt my phone buzzing like crazy, the sensation bringing my attention towards my device the minute I turned it on I saw notifications on My Amour social media account I had created the minute my videos blew up all over. One specific notification caught my eye in particular;

'QueenMiettesent a message: If you recall how we had invited you to our ball, the ball will be held soon enough and we wish for you to perform an exclusive original for all the guests to come.'

Another message came after;

'I was thinking of arranging a duet with the all time group called Crimson's leader? From the eye of a fan of both you and the group this suggestion was/has/is being anticipated most in between the music industry! How does that sound?'

Ash's POV:
"QueenMiette sent a message: I was thinking of arranging a duet with the growing Youtube sensation called Amour? From the eye of a fan of both your group and the YouTube group this suggestion was/has/is being anticipated most in between the music industry! How does that sound?" Melody ready out loud the message our groups Instagram had from Miette, daughter of Jessaline, the boys and I turned towards my father

"I had made some of my own research on the growing star, the rising masked singer all the teens have been talking about for the past few months. It seems like the masked singer has her own group, all masked and never once has there been a video of them without the masks. They self produce and compose their things. It's rare to find talent with actual meaningful lyrics that don't just sputter words together and create a meaning when asked for one later on, their lyrics are genuine and the covers show true admiration for the original artists." He looked down on his phone before revealing a picture of the group with masks on, the picture was a thumbnail of their recent group cover.

"I would understand why they accepted the offer of coming to the ball but usually those types of masked performers decide to keep their identities a secret out of pure fear of reactions, they are timid about their talent, or they just want to intrigue others with this concept of theirs. If Amour got the same message you boys got, if we can reach her and ask for her opinion on this then we can discuss about everything soon." The idea itself was really something I wanted to see, her group and the power they hold when they do covers or create their own songs is immense.

They have the abilities of a group, although sometimes I want to know if they got vocal training or was it self taught. Questions build up inside of my head when I see them, when I see Amour, I just wish to know more of their backgroup.

"Great so should the girls shoot their shot or should we?" Gary joked, getting a glare from Cilan. "Done." Without our knowledge, Paul had taken my phone and sent a message to Amour's social media. "Now we just wait for a response on her opinion of this sudden request. I do believe having this collaboration could bring more fortune towards the group. The perfect setting of the ball and having it be a masquerade at that fits them well." My father held his chin with his index finger and thumb. "I'll make sure to have some body guards near you boys and if the girls allow it, I will make sure they are safe as well."

I suddenly thought back to what I had told Serena. "I also had to repay Serena and her friends somehow." Everyone looked at me as if I had said something I wasn't suppose to. "What did you do?"

"I invited her and her friends to the party, they did help out a lot and I thought this was the best way to repay their accomplishment." Drew looked at me in utter disbelief, I don't see why he seems to not believe anything I'm saying. He would be the very first one to have asked May if he had gotten the guts to do so.

Serena's POV:
'MissyDawn: Agree on it, we could all wear are masks to meet up with them! We have Calem as our manager! All we have to do is dress him up with full face makeup and dye his hair for the meeting.

AprilMay: we don't have a manager, we don't really have much use for a manager since we aren't famous to the point.

BunnybeeIris: just agree to it and we will deal with the rest now, if you girls haven't noticed the masquerades will be soon so we need to meet up and agree on a song or work on one.

MistyFog: I think working on a song would be harder especially because we won't have enough time for it unless we can think of ideas right now and then we can give it to them.'

I typed in my agreement to Misty's idea of creating ideas right now before we discuss more about it with the group. It took some time before I collected the courage to type my response to Crimson, the building of sentences and wording was hard especially since I had realized a problem.

'SerenaYv: Ash invites us, Serena, Iris, May, Dawn, And Misty to the ball. I couldn't turn him down because he said it was a payment for our part of the song we helped them with.

MissyDawn: Don't worry much about it he won't bother to look for us in anyway, he'll forget easily, any guy does that.'


I am planning to have timeskips to get it towards the main plot of the story meaning the next chapter will be of them getting ready to meet up together of course the girls wearing their personas costumes and everything, the song will be created by them but the process will be short and I will add more Amour moments rather then the other ships so I apologize for that, Thank you and have a nice day! 💜💜

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