Chapter 16 (Edited)

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Ash's POV:
I watched as Calem walked towards Serena from his spot near the piano and smiled at my mother. "It's fine, we saw them at school! Not to mention I have a lot of classes with Ash." I wasn't aware of them being in my classes, I guess it was because I was seated in the very front.

"Oh! We were here for Drew and May, it was nice seeing you Mrs. Ketchum but Serena and I really have to get our work finished especially since this one," Calem rested his hand on top of Serena's head, her smile grew a bit at his action. "Isn't much good in the subject!" I wanted to laugh at this.

With that they both bowed towards all of us and Calem pulled her wrist up the stairs. "It's to your right!" Gary called out, I rolled my eyes at how Calem thought he could just walk away like that. "Welp, See you then!" Just as I was turning around to head out the house, my mother stopped me from going anywhere else.

"Ash Ketchum . . ." I sighed before turning to face the owner of the voice, her expression was hard and stern far from her usual happy and smiley one. "Should-should I . . . G-"

"Both of you sit down!" Out of fear both Gary and I took a seat on the couch where Serena had previously been sat. It was rare to find my mother angry but when she was it was like a massive horror story. "You can't even say a simple hello?" I bite down on my lip as she begins her scolding. "Why can't you forgive and forget, Serena seems like she has already!" My eyes turn to look at her as soon as she says this.

"She forgot it . . . She doesn't even remember much of what had happened and I don't plan on forgiving her anytime soon." My hands were tightened into a fist and I spoke through my teeth not wanting to actually yell at someone who could easily take away all my privileges in less then a second. She looks at me, her face forming a big frown.

"I-it's Fine! Nothing happened to her it's just a common thing now." Gary butts in, being able to read her expression all too well. Her eyes softened but then went back to a smaller frown. "It was my mistake not Serena's I don't see why you're taking it out on her." She put her hands on her hips waiting for me to respond, thing was I didn't know how to comeback to something like that.

"It wasn't you who said all those things was it? It wasn't you who ruined my next growing years, did you? After that stupid day, I couldn't even make many friends because I lost trust in many." I finally shot back after a minute of silence. "Not to mention that because of it I stayed alone up until my dad agreed to set me up on some dating scandal who, by the way, is a selfish, clingy, and annoying person." I had stood up from the couch at this point. Our height difference was a extremely noticeable every time.

A cough interrupted our arguing, Calem stood by the edge of the stairs with an embarrassed blush forming on him. "Uh . . . Serena and May got thirsty . . . So I was wondering I-if you have any bottled water . . . I'm sorry for interrupting." Before he could walk back up the stairs my mother practically pounced onto him preventing him from going anywhere.

"Is it true that little Sere has short term memory now? She forgot about what happened when they were younger?" My mother sat him in between Gary and I, Being annoyed and all I scoot over further away from him. "She got hit on her head pretty hard triggering her faint memory loss every so often. Following that I tried not to remind her about Ash as much as I want to . . ." He muttered the last part to himself but I was able to catch what he spoke.

"Aw . . . Poor baby Bambi!" My mother cooed, a pout was slowly making it's way into her lips. "I know this isn't really none of my business but I want to know if she can remember some of her best moments with you," Gary leans foreword from his position on the couch and turns to look at me. I felt Calem tense beside me. "You're still not over the whole incident but I think you should just allow the positive memories to come to mind." I clicked my tongue before picking up my gym bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

"I will not change my mind even when she begs me for the damage she has done to me at such a young age."

"It was such a long time ago? Why can't he let it go already?"

"Gary, he was young back then. Anything can cause trauma for an innocent mind, Having someone break his own belief and break his heart all because of a small mistake someone else caused. Even for a kid of five or three . . . The pain still catches up with you as you grow."

I don't believe I made sense at some point, I sincerely apologize for that I just wrote this as I was lacking some sleep so it came out pretty bad . . . I guess


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