Chapter 35 (Edited)

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With Serena:
"Alright the last part of the outfit is done, here ya go!" Dawn pushed herself on the spinning chair, her hand holding onto a now well sewed two toned skirt that was meant for May. "Measurements and all, I even added a little embroidery of a flower!" The blue haired female happily showed off the red rose May so dearly loved.

"I will have to do your makeup as well, we won't use the usual masquerade masks like we agreed."

"Those things are really hard to see in." Iris commented, interrupting Dawn's check list she was creating out loud. "Correct! I have some old masks that cover our nose and lips, we will just need to wear different color contact lenses which I already have, some eyeshadow and we will be set." Dawn clapped her hands before allowing herself to fully smile. "Who wants to start off with their makeup?"

🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕
"I may need a little bit of help with my wig?" Serena turned from her spot on the spinning chair, her golden blonde wig in both of her hands. "Here I'll help you." With her Denim Short overalls, white crop top with pastel purple 'Bingle Bangle' written in big font, and pink converse, Iris leaped behind Serena and fixated the wig onto her head. Adjusting it so it would fit in properly and stay on. Her makeup made the black contact lenses she wore stand out a bit, her hair styled in a high pony tail to match the child-like fashion style with purple chalk dye adding color to her hair.

"Alright I have Calem's phone number on speed dial that way if we do need him to barge in and get us he will be notified immediately!" Misty walked out of Dawn's walk in closet, her outfit consisting of white cuffed jogger pants, pastel blue tee shirt, and white shoes all fitting well with her persona. While her make up was light, it still allowed for anyone to get lost in her blue contact lenses that still held the same look her green orbs have. With her hair being short, two baby pigtails were made for her.

"Okay then, I just need help with finding my other sock." Confusingly, the blue haired female held onto one knee high sock while trying to look for the pair. Her pink and blue pastel two toned colored sweater dress reached just mid thigh, the white shoes she would be putting on sat right next to her. Her hair was neatly braided into a fishtail and settled down on her right shoulder. The green contact lenses she wore illuminated every so often when she made contact with the reflection of the sun.

"Here it is!" May threw the missing white sock towards Dawn before setting her white and pastel pink stripe crochet off shoulder crop top back to its place. Her style being put into perspective with the two toned skirt, and white shoes she had on. Her once blue eyes were now a hazelnut color due to the contact lenses she put on, her brown hair now colored with some pink and purple chalk dye was put into two braids and sat perfectly still on her shoulders.

"Thank you!" Dawn quickly put on the remaining parts of her outfit before jumping off her bed and walking towards her full body mirror, admiring her own work.

Serena looked at herself in the mirror from afar, the reflection of herself deemed itself different then who she was. The white dress with a pastel pink crop sweater, her white knee high socks, and her white shoes all gave in all too cutesy concept Dawn was heading for to throw off their true identities. Her green contact lenses matched with her golden blonde wig and her makeup allowed them both to have their moment on stage. "Do you want us to add some chalk dye onto the wig?"

"I don't think we should, we can easily wash our real hair but it will take longer and it may cause the wig to just turn into a mess." May answered Dawn's question. "You look adorable, Serena." Iris smiled happily at her friend, a genuine motherly smile that took a domino effect on the girls. One by one they all smiled at each other. "Alright, lets go meet Crimson." All smiling proudly at one another they nodded in agreement of their next destination, the heavy jewelry they wore made some noise as they moved their heads.

The five females put on their kaomoji cartoon emotictions mouth cotton mask, their noses and lips hidden from the world. Iris held onto a pastel colored bookbag, Misty took hold of a set of sunglasses Dawn had in her bedroom, and Serena held tightly on the notebook that held their ideas for this occasion.

🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕
As the girls got off from their ride (Uber is what I'm going with) they held each others hands outside of the grand music company. Hands shaking and hearts palpating at the same time, it made things better when they knew they stood with each other. "Ready?" Serena squeezed Iris's hand and May's, they squeezed hands as well. "Ready!" They let go at the end and walked inside the building.

Some Fans from the group's under the company had gotten inside the building with posters of their idols and encouraging words. The girls held their breaths hoping to be invisible but not quite making it.

"It's Treasure!" Hearing their YouTube group name, the girls heart suddenly dropped. It was a good thing security made it on time before they fans frantically tore down the five teen girls who had to be escorted towards the elevator by the front desk woman that saw everything.

"Don't worry about a thing, our security system here is top notch . . . Apart from the fans breaking in we will make sure nobody touches you on your way out. Good luck beauties!" The woman kindly smiled at them, she didn't look a day over 20 with her radiant skin and her smile that showed no kind of wrinkles on the ends. "Thank you very much!" As if it was planned they all spoke in unison before bowing at the woman together.

The elevator doors shut closed and he girls waited until they were at their final destination. "If anything happens remember we have Calem on speed dial, I'm sure that boy is around here somewhere so we shouldn't worry much!" Iris's eyes creasing a bit proved a hidden smile underneath the mask of hers. "Let's do this!" All five silently cheered until they got to their floor, they took in a breath before letting go and walking out of the elevator. Taking a step out they turned to look to their right, nothing.

Left, there stood Giovanni Ketchum the face of the music industry in Japan. He smiled warmly towards the girls who could only look in awestruck. "Welcome girls."


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