Chapter 10 (Edited)

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The next day, as the sun radiated it's ray towards many, students awoke from their slumber, parents began to prepare for their children's day at school, adults began to get ready for work.

A certain honey haired female got herself prepped up for another day at school, wearing the schools uniform which consisted of a simple long-sleeved white buttoned up shirt that was tucked cleanly into the blue pleated plaid skirt, her socks that reached towards her calf's and a pair of white colored converse lows she was allowed to put on. Her hair brushed into two ponytails which allowed her slight curls to have their spotlight against her shoulders where they rested.

"Serena! Is breakfast ready for us?" Jessie called out from her bedroom, getting ready for another day trying to break the young girls mindset. "Yes ma'am!" Serena took her book bag with her downstairs as she advised that breakfast was ready for the family. A smile played on her face even as she began to set the table and serve the plates displayed before her.

"I'm still not over the fact the stupid mother of his rejected such an offer! I don't see why you apologized to her, Ursula, you could have gotten to become a singer if you had seduced one of the boys." Hearing the words from the woman with the purple hair both Serena and Ursula flinched at the words, they were never ones to try anything of that sort, sure they had their mind set on romantic meeting with their significant other and they did daydream about romance, innocent things like that.

"I was shocked myself! I would be a very amazing daughter in-law!" Miette stabbed at the fruit bowl her step sister had set up for her, her knuckles whitened with how she was holding so tightly on the fork. "Next time, don't stand still and say something. Anything that comes to mind as long as you keep up that sweet act." Miette nodded her head in understanding, wanting nothing more then to grow up a star.

"I will head to school early, I need to be able to pick up some books." Jessie shooed Serena away, too focused on her conversation with her daughter to even worry over the business of Serena.

With Ash:
Ash had woken up earlier then should have, getting ready for another day at school, before he took a seat on his desktop to further write on the song he had previously thought back on. It took a while before the same feeling of frustration washed over him once again.

He took his book bag and walked past his family preparing for breakfast. "Where are you going?" Ash, being in no mood to talk, ignored his mother as he threw his book bag over his shoulder. The male took a deep breath of fresh air and began his journey to his school, wanting to go into the library to find the book he had read while thinking of the lyrics.

His head was laced with memories of what the theme of the story was he was hoping to at least come up with lyrics with the theme but it never came to be, soon enough he arrived at the school earlier then most students with teacher just walking in and some juniors walking in early as well. His feet took him towards the library he took in while touring the school, it seemed to be the only thing apart from the hidden music room that could ease his mind a bit.

When he came inside the quiet place, he set his belongings down on one of the tables settled down at different places and set up in many angles. "Italian folktales . . . Italian folktales . . ." He muttered under his breath as he scanned the isles of each bookshelf trying to find the one he was looking for.

"MiMi! MiMi! Come down from there, if people see you they will hurt you!" Hearing a familiar voice he stopped dead in his tracks, I thought I was alone?

"Please come down, you know I will get into big trouble if people see you! I don't really know how you managed to get inside my book bag without me knowing. Come here MiMi! Come here MiMi!" Ash turned the corner of the book shelf where he found a certain honey blonde haired female sitting on her knees while looking towards a kitten who had somehow gotten on top of the top shelf. It was an odd sight to see but for some reason he felt amused by it all.

"Please turn your face here a little bit. Don't look away like that, what should I do? I can't just leave like this, will you stay like this? Ah, do you hear what I'm saying?" Ash began to walk towards the female who was struggling once more with the kitten who had made a it's way inside the school property. His steps were quiet and if it weren't for her constant talking and focus on the kitten she would have seen him coming.

"Please come down, I don't want to leave you here. I have some important matters to take care of." He looked at her and then looked upon the feline on the shelf. "I didn't threaten you, I don't see why you aren't listening to me now. I beg you, okay?" Her hands were clasped together and she had on a saddening pout before she jumped up from the floor. "Do you think you have any choice? Come down!" Her kind behavior faded and a little frown took place on her face.

"Come here, quickly! I will give you something to drink!" Serena began to jump up trying to catch the attention of the creature on the shelf. Ash let a sigh escape his lips before he meowed at the kitten, getting the attention of it. Serena payed no attention to the male believing it was just the meowing of the kitten. "That's right! Come down! This way, this way, quickly!" The female excitedly jumped at the feline who was finally paying attention to the ground.

Ash rolled his eyes and began to walk towards the girl, his finger on his lips as he created a shushing sound. Hearing the sudden noise Serena's head slowly turned towards her right and when she did both came eye to eye with each other. The close proximity made her jump back, out of reflex not wanting her to hit the ground his hand wrapped around her.

They stared at each other, unsure of what to do and completely forgetting about the kitten who was still up on the shelf.

"I don't want to be your friend anymore!"


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