Chapter 26 (Edited)

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Serena's POV:
"I am going to need for you to take the girls out to buy the dresses they wish to wear for the grand party we will be holding in a couple of days." Jessaline had me follow her around the entire house as she held onto a cup of tea that was spilling the slightest bit with every movement she made. "A party?" I pretended to have not heard the purpose for the upcoming party she was hosting.

"Of course! A party for that boy band under Giovanni's care, Creamsin." She bent over to pick up a fallen red rose from its base, the cup of tea she held tilting sideways as she did so. "It's Crimson." I corrected her as I made sure she held the cup properly without spilling any of the warm substance.

"The girls thought it to be a good idea to have them be celebrated and welcomed back into their home since they have been away for quite a long time now. Not only that but I was thinking that we hold some sort of performance so that the boys see my girls as the angels they are and maybe they could get famous sooner or later!" Her reasoning and way of thinking weren't at all good nor were they actually well thought out but I ignored her thinking and decided to speak up.

"May I say something though? About the girls, of course." I heard her hum in response as she walked towards the living room with me walking right behind her. It took me a while to find the correct words to use for her to not get offended nor get angered towards me.

"Well . . . Miette seems to do her own thing and doesn't seem to produce the sound you believe is coming out of her mouth, she isn't practicing like you suggest she does nor does she care for it because she sees herself as the greatest . . ." Jessaline stops what she was doing and faces me, ignoring her eye contact I look around while I continue.

"Meanwhile you have Ursula, she's good and all and quite the opposite of Miette. I have heard Ursula in her bedroom practicing all through the night and working hard on her voice and she manages to do so beautifully but it seems something holds her back when you ask for her to sing for you." From the corner of my eye I could tell Jessaline was thinking hard about what I just said. "I'm taking you are to blame for not pushing Miette harder to do her part of the practice." My hands form into fists, I should have seen this coming.

"Enough of your silly and useless feedback you can't even sing at all. Go pick up my girls from the spa and take them out to pick out their dresses." My eyes trailed towards the floor as she put me down with her knife sharp words.

"Oh and I suggest you never bring up their flaws in this household or else you will definitely be disowned and kicked out." I left before she could say anything else to me, it was always her threat. To kick me out of my own home if I didn't obey to her every word, if I couldn't stand her nitpicking everything I did, or if I couldn't be nice to her daughters or son.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip
"Where do we start? Should we look for our shoes and start our outfit from there or go from the top down?" My blue haired step sister questioned her own blood related sibling. "Let's look for our dresses, if we don't find the best dress before someone else takes them we are doomed." Ursula answered as she pointed towards a bouquet where dresses were showcased behind a glass window.

"Good point!" I followed after them as they walked inside, the designs and the different type of material used for each individual dress were uniquely suited for any occasion and would be perfect for anyone to wear. Every detail on the dresses stood out when they actually were matched with the material used to create the dress. My finger tips trailed the racks of dresses inside a transparent case to keep it in perfect condition for the clients, evenly and neatly organized in patterns of color and what size they were in.

I didn't notice I was tapping my foot to the sound of the song playing on the intercom inside the shop until I began to walk. The same joy of dancing in the privacy of my own home sprinting throughout my whole body, it would always feel as if I were performing in my own concert. Dancing and singing with so much pride in what I was doing and not caring about what others thought.

My eyes scanned every dress on their individual racks while humming peacefully to the song playing as of now. The familiar notes coming to mind and allowing me to sing the lyrics inside my head.

"Remind me again why I am brought into this mess again?" The familiar voice caught my attention. I turned to find Ash, who wore a white beanie hiding his messy hair and a pair of glasses that don't look as they were prescribed, with a female beside him, her dark shades covering her eyes from sight. He looked too tired, bored, and embarrassed to even be seen inside the bouquet with her. "If I must be seen with you at the party you were invited, I have to look the greatest."

I ducked behind the rack of burgundy colored dresses I was close by, my head slightly popping up to see what they were doing together and who she was. "For the last time I don't remember anyone inviting you anywhere especially not at the party." His rude comment didn't seem to bother her and she continued to scroll around to find a dress for her taste. "Should I wear something colorful? Maybe a light color!" Ash clicked his tongue before folding his arms across his chest and looking at the female beside him. "Yeah go ahead and look like a highlighter." She shrugged his rude words away before taking off her shades and resting them on top her head.

"You are definitely right, I can't bring too much attention to myself. People will begin to ask for autographs." I mentally took note about how she spoke so highly of herself just like my step siblings do. "They won't know who anybody is because we will have to wear a mask, I don't see the point in finding some stupid dress when nobody will ask you for anything because they won't know who you are!" Covering my mouth I tried to stifle a laugh ready to slip through my lips.

"Serena! Hold onto this already!" A gasp took the place of my laugh when I heard Miette ordering for me to appear to hold onto the stack of dresses she held onto. I rushed toward her forgetting that Ash could have seen me. "I-I'm sorry!" She didn't think twice before shoving the dresses onto my grasp. "Hmm? Yellow or orange? Never mind I look like some sort of highlighter." Her own ignorance towards the color that portrayed hoy and happiness made me smile a bit.

"Don't just stand there come on and walk behind me I still need to try everyone of these on." This will take a while.

(Filler (?) chapter)


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