Sunken Ships Pt. 3

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First Period has ended, and we began to head towards our Second Period. Ami and Seijun were in my Second Period. Ayu's class was next to ours, so she followed us.

Kiyoko went the opposite direction we were going, so we said our byes,  only to see each other again, after our next period for lunch.

As soon as we left, my phone made a vibration. I remembered that I scheduled for my phone to exit Silent Mode right after class ended, so it was expected.

Kiyoko sent me a message.

"She told you?"

I assumed that she was talking about the sunken ship.

"Yeah, she did."

She went online for another few seconds after I sent the message, then her status said she was offline.

That happened.

As my attention left my screen, I realized that we were walking towards the multi-purpose room, instead of our next class. I guessed that Ami, Ayu, and Seijun were going to buy breakfast before class had begun. 

We had 11 minutes before class had begun. We have time.

We entered the multi-purpose room, and Ami and Ayu went straight towards the bathroom.

They were talking about Tsuyoshi, when they entered the girls room, I believe.

Seijun, a close friend of mine, sat next to me. She was awfully silent.

We decided to wait for them.

After a while, I began to wonder if they had forgotten about our existence.

"Seijun, do you just want to go to class?" I offered. "I don't think they're coming out of there any time soon."

"..Yeah, sure ok." Her voice seemed scared of something.

We began to walk towards our classroom. I thought it was a good time to question her.

"Hey, is something bothering you?" I asked.

"No, I'm.. fine." She replied pretty quickly, as if she expected the question.

My phone vibrated.

Ayu went me a message.

"Where did you guys go?!?!?"

"You guys were like, busy taking 10,000 selfies of yourselfs in the bathroom, so we decided to not wait."

Heh, roasted.

But then I felt bad, so I apologized.

"Lol, JK,  we just couldn't wait any longer, so we thought we would just meet at our classes."

"I need to talk to you about something," Ayu replied.

Wow, that's the first.
She didn't roast me back or attempt to hurt me or something. Was it that important?

"Yeah sure, OK."

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