Sunken Ships Pt. 8

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At this point, I was repeatedly cursing under my breath.

I was scared.

He couldn't have..

I kept saying that. Over and over and over and over.

Hoping it was true.

Then, I felt like I heard breathing. I held my breath, to reduce the sound.

Yeah, it was definitely breathing. It was coming from the largest stall.


For 2 seconds, there was silence.


It was Tsuyoshi. Half of me wanted to strangle him and demand an explanation. The other half wanted to calmly take over the situation, and interrogate him.

But I a tiny piece of me wanted to just pretend it didn't happen. Atleast, for now.

That small part of me won.

Silence again.

Ignoring everything that's happened, I spoke.

"Tsuyoshi, class started 30 minutes ago."


"Co'mon, let's go!!"



We walked out the door, and headed for art.

Should I ask questions?


Yeah, why not.

"Tsuyoshi-Kun, what happened?"


Slight regret from the question. But, I still went for it. I needed answers.

"There's a lot of commotion between you and Ami."


"Look, we'll talk later, OK?"

...... Okay, have it your way.

Welp, guess we're playing the waiting game.

The game of patience. One of my most disliked games.

Atleast, one of the hardest games I've played.

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