Sunken Ships Pt. 5

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We all headed to the MPR for lunch.

Still anxious to hear what Ayu and Ami were taking about, I walked into the MPR.

The building was almost empty.

In the room, were a few of my friends, already here eating their lunch. I began to wonder how early their teachers let them out. 

Where everyone else was?

All if a sudden, my phone made a vibration. It was only one. Thinking it was just some advertising, I ignored it.

Then, it vibrated again.

It was either someone was calling me, or they sent me 2 advertisements.
The 1st one was my 1st choice.

I took out my phone from my pocket, and realized that it was Ayu that had called me.

I answered.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!??!?"

I jerked back my phone, startled from her question.

"Where are you?" I replied.

"Uggghhhh, me and Tsuyoshi-Kun broke up just now."

"Ehhhhhh???? Where are you guys?"

"Were behind the MPR," she answered.

"OK,  wait," I said. "We're coming."

I tried to tell Ami what had happened, but she seemed to already know what has happened.

I asked her how she already knew.

"Ayu-San is pretty loud. I heard the whole thing," she replied.

"Eh---well, true.

But-we still gotta help them."

I wondered if Seijun had heard also.

We began to exit the MPR. Right before we got outside, I turned around to glance at Seijun. She was looking at me for a sec, then she looked away when I did.

I didn't think much of it, so I just followed Ami into the back of the MPR.

When we got to the side of the building, I had almost ran into Tsuyoshi. He was running in the opposite direction of us.

I caught a glimpse of him crying.

Tsuyoshi wasn't exactly known for crying. In fact, it was said that he didnt know how to cry. 

I turned around, and saw Ayu talking to her friends. She didn't seem angry. But guilty.

I decided to follow Tsuyoshi, and told Ami to go with Ayu.

I figured that if Ayu was with her friends, she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone or herself.

But the thought that Tsuyoshi was alone on this scared me.

I chased after Tsuyoshi.


He ignored me.

He ran past the other side of the building, and I had lost sight of him.

By the time I past the wall, I had no idea where he was.

I didn't bother to call or his name, knowing that it would only cause attention. Besides, it's not like he would just scream out, "Here!"

Although, that would have been helpful at the time.

I ran towards the MPR, at tried my best to look around for him while I ran at the same time.

I ended up tripping, and falling hard on my knee.

I tried to get back up again, but there was a stinging pain when I put pressure on my left knee.

"Hey, are you OK?"

I turned around to see Seijun.

"Uh, yeah, I'm good."

I tried to stand up again, but this time, it hurt more that usual.

Seijun ended up helping me into the MPR. She sat me down on one of the lunch tables.

"Thanks, Seijun-San."

She stayed silent.

"If you were curious, Tsuyoshi ran into the bathroom," she replied.

"Wait, what? What if he's trying to drown himself or something?"

I tried to get up again, but my knee hurt to much.

"Do you want me to bring you to the office or something?" Seijun asked.

"No, I'm fine," I replied. "I'll be right back."

I got up, and leaned on the wall, so I didn't put as much pressure on my left leg.

I walked into the guys restroom, and saw Tsuyoshi's feet in one of the stalls.


His feet were away from the toilet. It looked like he was against the wall.

I could hear his tears through the stall.

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