Sunken Ships Pt. 6

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DISCLAIMER!!!  Pretty much everything past this chapter is made up, and didn't really happen IRL. Don't think that anything in the story shows that I might have feelings towards someone IRL. There might be some RL references though.

Relieved to see that Tsuyoshi wasn't dead,  I let him be. Besides, my leg wasn't getting any better.

When I walked it out the bathroom, I saw Ayu walking into the MPR. I was surprised to not see anyone else following her.

She was crying waterfalls.

I was thinking about asking her what she wanted to talk about, but now didn't seem like a good time. I walked up to her, and called out her name.

She ignored me, and walked towards the girls restroom.

I looked around, and still didn't see any of her friends following her. Then, I had realized that Seijun was gone.

I walked against the wall, towards the exit. I had to ask about what was happening.

When I left the MPR, I saw Ami and Kiyoko down the stairs. I went to go speak with them, and clear up what was going on.


Ami turned around to look at me.
Kiyoko didn't look. She kept her head towards the floor.

I did my best to ignore it.

"Ami, what's wrong with Ayu-San?"

"She broke up with Tsuyoshi just now," she replied. "But now, Ayu keeps thinking it was her own fault."

That explains the guilty look she had a minute ago. 

Kiyoko brings her head up, but she's looking the opposite direction.

Did I do something wrong?

Then, I thought back to the conversation that we had on chat. I was 99.99% sure I had done something wrong.

"Kiyoko-San," I call out.

She turns her head towards me, a few seconds after I call her name.

Her face is slightly red, and she's looking to the left, instead of looking at me.

I decide to ignore it. "Do you know anything else about Ayu-San?"

She's silent for a few seconds.

"She's so selfless."

We're all quiet.

"She put Tsuyoshi first, before herself."

"It's almost scary," she says.

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