Kiss? Pt. 1

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     Everyone heard the bell. Ironically, it rang right after Kiyoko brought up how selfless Ami was.

For a good 10 seconds, Kiyoko, Ame, Seijun and I were completely still, while everybody around us was heading to their classrooms. I could feel the air so clearly all of a sudden. The sun never seemed brighter.

"OK," Ame broke the silence. "I'll see you guys later?"

"Yeah," I replied. "Kay, I gotta go."
I jogged away to my 5th period.

I ran a good 10 yards before I turned around again to see everyone already gone.

Not the best way to say goodbye. 

I didn't know why I turned around. It was obvious they had already went to class.

It was a sudden urge, as powerful as the urge to sleep. If not more.

I ran the rest of the way to class. Silence. That's what I remembered.

An odd silence.


My friend would always say that when it got so suddenly silent.

Something hurt in my heart.

It hurt the rest of the way to class.

The question haunted me for the entire class period. Why did I turn around?

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