Chapter 9 - The sleepover

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Landry's P.O.V.

Tonight I'm having a sleepover with my two friends Rowan and Sabrina who you might know from the show Girl Meets World. My parents are away and visiting some friends in another town so I have the whole house for myself. I had just finished preparing everything so I quickly popped out to the grocery store to get the last bits. As I cruised between the shelves in the store in my comfy clothes and with loud music on in my ears, I did not notice that I was being watched by no one else than Amber. I danced around and sang along quietly, or that's what I thought in my mind, but what I didn't knew was that I actually sang really loud. I finished my shopping and headed to the counters and paid for it all before rushing home. As I got inside I managed to get everything out from the shopping bags and put everything into the right place before the door bell went off. I walked over and opened the door to see Rowan and Sabrina.

"Hii girls!" I said and smiled widely.

"Hey Landry!"! They said and hugged me at the same time.

We pulled away and I let them in. We started by ordering some pizzas and they came about 45 minutes later. We cuddled down in the couch in our comfy clothes and ate the pizza while watching Sabrina's movie Adventures in babysitting in the living room. After the movie we decided to play a game of truth and dare. We sat down on the floor in a circle and began to ask questions.

"Landry, truth or dare?" Rowan said.

"Uhm truth!" I said.

"Who do you have a crush on?" Rowan asked.

"Ricky, my co star in best friends whenever" I said and bit my lip.

"Ohh yeah, the one you had to kiss in the show because your characters likes eachother?" Sabrina said.

"Yep that's him, and that was honestly the day I realizes that I like him in real life too" I said.

"Aww that's so cute. Do you know if he likes you back?" Rowan said.

"I doubt that, I'm kind if friendzoned" I said.

"Well you gotta fight for what you want girl, anyways let's continue. Landry it's your turn to ask!" Sabrina said.

I then asked Sabrina who said dare. I told her to eat a spoon of a really spicy herb and swallow the whole thing. She did and me and Rowan laughed so much while Sabrina ran around drinking water like crazy. We continued on a few rounds and we did loads of crazy dares and answered some truths too.

"Okay Landry, truth or dare?" Sabrina said.

"Dare!" I said.

"Prank call Ricky and pretend to be his biggest fan!" She said.

"Okay sure" I said and laughed.

I took up my phone and made sure my number was on private so he couldn't see that it was me who called him. I then clicked on his number and put on the speaker phone so that Rowan and Sabrina could hear as well.

"Hello it's Ricky" He answered.

"Oh my god, a-are you actually the real Ricky Garcia!" I said in another voice than my normal one and squealed.

"Uhm yeah, who are you?" He said.

"Ahh! My name is Lana and I'm your biggest fan! I love you so much!" I said and pretended to cry of happiness.

"Oh, well I love you too. But how did you find my phone number?" He said and sounded so adorable.

"Oh I... I found it online.... I hope you don't think that I'm an annoying stalker now" I said and chuckled.

"Oh no don't worry, You're not the first fan who has found my number and called me. To be honest I like to talk with the fans who calls" He said and chuckled too.

"Aww you're so sweet! Other celebrities would just hang up direct and then change their number" I said and smiled for myself.

"Well, I don't see myself as a celebrity to be honest. I'm just a normal boy who happens to have a really cool job, that's all. So where are you from?" He said.

"I'm from Chicago, but I'm actually in LA at the moment with my family" I said.

"Oh that's nice! I hope you'll like the city" He said.

"I love it! Although I wish I could meet you" I said.

"Aww, well you know me and the guys are actually performing next week at the grove. If you're still here you should totally come and I'll give you the biggest hug" He said.

"I'll try to persuade my family because I really do want that hug" I said and chuckled.

"I hope they say yes! I want to meet you too" He said.

"Oh also, could you tell Landry that I love her? Cyd and Naldo are my favourite characters in Best Friends Whenever! Also the season 2 finale was AMAZING! I can't believe Cyldo is actually happening, gosh they are so cute, I can't wait for the new season!" I said and squealed again.

"Of course, I'll tell her as soon as I see her. Thank you and well I agree, they are very cute. I think you're going to love the next episodes" He said.

"So you ship them too? Cyd and Naldo I mean?" I said.

"Yeah you could say that" He said and chuckled.

"Yay! What about Randry?" I asked, thinking about all those fanfiction I've read about me and Ricky.

"Randry?" He said confusedly.

"Yeah, it's yours and Landry's ship name!" I said excitedly. Honestly I really enjoy playing a crazy fangirl.

"Oh... well I guess it's sweet and all but me and Landry are only best friends" He said.

"I know but you guys totally should date! You have chemistry just saying! It was so nice talking to you, byee!" I said and hung up on a speechless Ricky.

I burst into laughing and so did Rowan and Sabrina.

"That was amazing girl! When you brought up that you and him should date, I died. So hillarious!" Sabrina said and laughed.

"Haha I know right! Also it was so sweet that he wanted to talk with the fan, like I thought he'd just hung up. Gosh how adorable can anyone be... Why am I in love with him? It's so hard to resist when he's so adorable all the time" I said.

The rest of the evening we decided to have a High School Musical marathon and watch all three movies which lead to us going to bed really late. We had such a nice time though and sang along to all the songs in the movies and shared many laughters before falling asleep together on the big couch bed.

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