Chapter 20 - Randry is real

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Landry's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked over at the sleeping boy next to who I now can call my boyfriend. I turned around so that I faced him and just looked at him. I couldn't help but smile when I thought about last night. After we kissed we he stayed at my house and we had a movie night together and fell asleep all cuddled up in my bed.

"Are you watching me while I'm sleeping?" I heard him say.

"Nope" I said and quickly turned to face the other side.

A few seconds later I felt him tickling me from behind.

"I know you did!" He said and laughed.

"Hey stop it!" I said while laughing and turned to my back.

Ricky shook his head and continued to tickle me. After a minute he stopped.

"Good morning princess" He said and kissed my cheek.

"Good morning you too Ricardo" I said and smiled.

We then decided to go up and eat some breakfast. We walked downstairs where I found a note on the table from my mom. Her and dad had left to do some errands but would be back at 4 pm. Me and Ricky made panncakes and sat down infront of the TV with them. I flicked through the channels and as I came to Disney Channel they where about to start showing the one hours season 2 finale episode of Best Friends Whenever again. We decided to watch it while we ate.

"Ricky, we should post something to tell the fans that we're dating now" I said.

"Yeah we should" He said and nodded.

We took a selfie on my phone and another one on Ricky's and then both of us posted them at the same time. My caption was:

The best mornings are spent with the ones you love, such as this guy who I now can call my boyfriend ❤ #RandryIsReal

And Ricky's caption was:

Yesterday I realized something. I love this girl very much & I'm happy to say that she's now my girlfriend 😘❤ #RandryIsReal

We counted down from 10 and when we came to zero we both pressed the publish button. After only a few seconds we had got loads of likes and comments. Most of them was really nice ones and people who freaked out because their ship finally had sailed. There was of course some who sent hate and where mean, mostly people who wanted Ricky to get back together with Chloe even though it has gone almost 10 months since they broke up. I just shrugged and didn't payed attention to them as it didn't really bothered me. I know I shouldn't take the hate personal so I won't. Instead we went to different fanpages and checked out their posts about us revealing that we're a couple. Abit later Lauren called me and said she had told Gus how she felt and that they where wondering if me and Ricky wanted to go on a double date with them tonight.

"What do you say about going on a double date tonight with Lauren and Gus?" I asked Ricky.

"That sounds nice" He said.

"Ricky said yes, so when and where are we going to meet?" I said to Lauren in the phone.

A minute later I hung up and looked over at Ricky who where smirking.

"I didn't knew Gus and Lauren liked eachother" He said.

"Well I knew Lauren likes Gus because she told me right after Amber stopped recording the video. She said she'd tell him if I told you and I guess since the video kind of did it for me she had to do it as well" I said.

"Oh well they'd make a great couple. I can't wait for the date tonight" He said and smiled.

"Yeah they'd be super cute together and  I can't wait either" I said and smiled back.

I then decided to send a tweet to Amber. I went to her profile and clicked on her tweet where the video was and replied to it.

@Landrybender: I guess you are pretty nice after all Amber. I mean, if it wheren't for you and this video I'd not sit here now with the most amazing boyfriend 😊 So thank you for helping me telling Ricky how I feel. Have a safe flight back to Chicago

Ricky immidiately liked my tweet and chuckled.

"Have I ever told you how awesome you are" He said.

"Nope but I'd love to hear it" I said and chuckled.

"Well then here it goes. You're the most amazing girl I've evet met Miss Landry Elizabeth Bender" He said and planted a kiss on my cheek.

I smiled and then Ricky went home to get ready for the date. I couldn't wait for tonight. Double date with my boyfriend and two of my best friends, it can't be better. I'm glad Amber post that video to be honest because I doubt I'd have ever dared to tell Ricky myself how I feel and would then miss out this amazing feeling of actually being together with him. I love him to death. Well seems like both the fans and I got our happily ever after with Randry being a real thing and I couldn't be happier. Here's to even more fun both as an on screen and off screen couple!

The End


Soo this was sadly the last chapter because I don't really feel like going on. I mean I could start new dramas and stuff but nah I just don't feel like it so sorry about that this story only had 20 chapters. I guess I just had no futher inspirations for it so. But I'm actually starting another Randry story which I'm so excited about because the plot is just awesome! The first chapter will be out tomorrow so I hope you'll check that out and love it. That one will be a long story with atleast 30 chapters, I promise 😊

I actually want some advice from you guys for another story. Basically when I finished my Cyldo story a few months ago many of you wanted a Sequel and I liked the idea but I've had a writing block on what the plot should be on it so I need your ideas for the drama part. I want it not to be cheating because that's too typical you know. It has to be a problem that a married grown up couple with kids can encounter and also I want to add some time travel into it as well. So if you have any idea, small or big, feel free to leave a comment or send me a private message if you rather wants that. Hopefully you all can help me get inspired again and get my mind flowing and working on an amazing plot for it!

So to sum this long author's note I just wants to say that I hope you enjoyed this final chapter and the whole story

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