Chapter 10 - Morning chats

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Landry's P.O.V.

I woke up by birds singing and the sun shining right into the livingroom. I was squeezed between Rowan and Sabrina on the couch bed. I carefully got up without waking them up and grabbed my phone. The clock was almost 9 am. I decided to go outside to the back porch so I opened the window door slowly and stepped out. I breathed in the fresh morning air and sat down on the edge so that my feet where on the grass. I sat there quietly and peaceful for about 5 minutes.

"Good morning Landry!" A voice I immidiately recognized said.

I turned around to see Ricky standing on the other side of the fence that's between our gardens.

"Good morning Ricky" I said and smiled.

"Can I come over?" He said.

"Yeah of course" I said.

He jumped over the fence and came and sat next to me on the porch.

"So what makes you being out in your backyard at 9 am?" He asked.

"Well I just woke up and needed some air. What about you?" I said.

"I'm actually waiting for Emery and Liam to pick me up. We have band practise at 11 am but we where thinking of eating breakfast together in town first" He said.

"Oh that's nice" I said and smiled.

"Yeah... oh there was this girl yesterday who called me. Her name was Lana and she said she where a huge fan of us and wanted me to tell you that that she loves you. She where really sweet actually" He said.

My eyes widened as I remember the prank call from yesterday. Should I play along or should I tell him that it was me? It's kind of tempting to tell him just to see his reaction to be honest.

"Oh well that's cute" I said.

"Yeah... she went on about how she shipped Cyd and Naldo which where so cute and then she said that she also ships you and me... Like can you believe that there are fans who wants us to date, like that's just weird because we're just friends" He said.

"Yeah... that's so weird..." I said.

Well now I'm definiately not telling him it was me who pretended to be that crazy fan. Then he might think I ship us to and likes him which could destroy our friendship. I do not want that to happen, like ever.

"She's not the only one who ships us, I went on twitter and instagram last night and loads of other's ships us too..." He said.

"I know.... there's even fanfictions about you and me on this website/app called Wattpad... Some are actually really good but still weird to read..." I said.

"Oh wow... People really takes it too far... also Lauren said in live tv that we where most likely to end up dating eachother" He said.

"You know, she didn't meant it like that. I mean, it was a question and she just said we might be most likely since we are so close friends and stuff... It doesn't mean that she ships us and wants us to date you know" I said but knowing that Lauren does ship us, she said she'd done that secretly even before I told her that I have a crush on Ricky.

"Yeah... that's true" He said and nodded.

It then got quiet for about a minute. One of the things I love about Ricky is that there are no awkward silences between us. We can be silent for a long time but still love it since we have eachother's company.

"Landry have you seen this?... Oh, I smell loove out here" I heard Sabrina say.

My cheeks turned red and I turned around to see Sabrina and Rowan standing in the window door. I quickly looked back at Ricky.

"I need to go, but I'll see you later okay?" I said.

"I actually needs to go too, the boys should be here in any minute. I'll see you" He said.

I watched him getting up and jumping over the fence to his garden again. I then stood up and walked back to Rowan and Sabrina.

"What where happening out here?" Sabrina sais and smirked.

"Nothing we where just talking. For example he talked about fans, including me pretending to be a fan, shipping us which he finds so weird. Definiately not telling him about the prank call" I said.

"Oh, well you have to see this video. It's all over twitter" Rowan said and pressed play on Sabrina's phone.

I widened my eyes as I popped up on the screen dancing around and singing really loud in the grocery store while wearing comfy clothes, no makeup and a messy bun.

"What the?" I said.

I grabbed Sabrina's phone and replied to the fan who had tweeted it from Sabrina's twitter account.

Hi, could you tell me where you got that video from? It'd be so nice of you /Landry Bender

In just a minute the fan replied and tagged another account. I clicked on it and widened my eyes. It was Ambers twitter account and the latest tweet was the video with the text: Does every grocery store in LA come with entertainment because this is so hillarious 😂 @Landrybender

I looked through the comments. Many where laughing emojis and people who thought it was funny but there was also some who kinda took my side and said that I was being so adorable and stuff.

"Are you okay?" Rowan said.

"Yeah... I just... I can't believe she's embarrassing me again and this time infront of the whole world... I thought it was going to be all over when I left Chicago" I said.

"You know that girl?" Sabrina said.

"Yeah, she was mean and bullied me when we where younger and now she's here on vacation in LA. I walked into her at Disneyland a couple of days ago and she was so flirty towards Ricky. I don't want her to take another boy from me, especially not Ricky..." I said.

"Oh... well I'm sure Ricky wouldn't just leave you that easy. You're close friends and co stars" Rowan said.

"Exactly, and if that Amber girl tries to break you two apart you have to fight back" Sabrina said.

"I guess, thanks girls" I said and smiled.

"Let's make some breakfast and get you on other thoughts!" Sabrina said and pulled me with her back inside.

The rest of the morning we had a nice time and when the girls left, I decided to tweet something. Sabrina and Rowan told me to not get to embarrassed by the video because I'm just a human and who doesn't gets into their own world when they have music on in their ears. I should handle it mature and joke it off to show Amber that she didn't succeed to embarrass me. I'm here to fight back!

Sometimes when you put your headphones on, you get way into a song and pretends that you're in a music video 😜

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