Chapter 18: The Facility

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I'm just a phlebotomist. The scientists don't interact with their subjects." The lady in the white coat answered Julie's question about what they were going to do with her blood the next morning. "They only observe them with the cameras and examine the samples. Everything here is very professional." The woman looked at her with a smile, like she was trying to reassure her.


Julie snorted and looked back at the three men in black uniforms lining the living room, watching as this woman took blood from her and Kara. She didn't recognize any of them, but she guessed they were here to prevent her from harming the lab tech. She sighed. Even if she could zap these guys and run for it, what would she do with Kara? Her friend kept spacing out.

She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and avoided looking at the massive pile of blood tubes beside this woman. Were they even going to let her keep any blood? She didn't know yet if her abilities were back. She hadn't tested them this morning, but her skin still prickled with energy coursing under her skin.

Funny, she hadn't felt this way at the beach. It had to be the kidnapping. Was she pulling in energy from around herself without realizing it?

These four had shown up early this morning, waking her and Kara from a sound sleep. They ordered them to get up and get dressed right away. She rubbed at her eyes with her free hand. She was so tired. She couldn't have had more than a few hours of sleep, though she was surprised she slept at all.

"All right, that's it," the lady said a few moments later. "Thanks for cooperating. They don't take this much blood all the time, and I'll wait a few more days before taking more. I don't want to blow your veins out." She patted her hand.

Julie stared after her longingly wishing she could snatch the blood back. Would hers be different than a dud's? What would happen then? She gulped.

One of the nameless guards stepped forward as the woman walked out. "Do you want to eat breakfast in here or go to the courtyard, ma'am?"

She grimaced. Now she was a ma'am. She supposed it was impersonal, which was loads better than that creepy guy or the intense questions from his partner.

"What do you want to do?" Julie asked Kara. She sighed as her friend stared straight ahead. Kara was pretty much spaced all the time. There had to be something she could do to help her, but what? She wasn't someone who could do mind powers, or at least no one had said she was. It could be some other secret. That wouldn't surprise her.

"Well?" he repeated.

Julie focused back on him, giving him a withering look. She felt like telling him to shut it since he was part of the compound that kidnapped her. She didn't care if she put them out. They could wait.

Of course she didn't want to draw any more attention to herself than she already had. She should get a better idea of the layout since she was going to get out of here as soon as possible.

She rubbed her head. Who was she kidding? She wasn't some kind of superhero. She didn't even know if her powers were working, and it wasn't like she knew what to do with them to get out of here if they were. Plus, then what? She had no money or way to contact anyone outside of here.

At least being outside wouldn't feel so stifling. "We'll go outside."

Julie pulled Kara up and dragged her along. The guard walked through the door, and it opened for him. She would try it later, but he was probably wearing something so he could get out. She was sure she couldn't just walk out of here.

They went back down the hall the way they did last night when they came in. She glanced behind her and saw that the hall had a few more glass doors before it ended. So there were people on either side of her room. She followed the guard in front, the skin between her shoulders prickling uncomfortably as she felt the stares of the two behind her.

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