What's up with Kags?

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Hinata's POV

I noticed that lately Kageyama is acting weird. He's is always late for practice and he spends a lot of time in the bathroom. Well, maybe he is not feeling well and has to go to the bathroom often. But still, he seems more pissed off than usual. I run towards him.


He turns around and I stop. He looked tired and.... sad? It was like he was on the verge of tears. This was the first time I saw him like this.

"Is something wrong, Kageyama?"


"Oi! I'm talking to you!"

"......It's nothing......"

He suddenly turns around and walks away.

"What about practice?"

"I'm not going.", he answered coldly.

I sigh. I don't like this! Not one bit! Did I do something wrong? Tears started pouring out of my eyes. I sunk to the ground on my knees. Kageyama..... I want the Kageyama I know back.

After practice Suga came to me. He smiled nicely before asking me if I had a fight with Kageyama. I told him that I didn't know the reason why he was like that and explained what happend earlier. Again, I was crying while explaining. Suga said he would talk to Kageyama and ask him if something is wrong. After that I immediately went home.

Suga's POV

I decided I would talk to Kageyama tomorrow at lunch. I'm giving up my lunch with Daichi and Asahi for Hinata and Kageyama's sake. I don't know if something happened between those two but I'll find a way to fix things. After all I am the mother of this team! At least that's what everyone says.

It is now lunch time. I ran out of my classroom and searched for Kageyama. I think I almost searched the entire school but at last i found him on the roof. He was talking to someone on the phone. I couldn't hear what he said but I'm sure it's someone from his family. Now that i think about it I know nothing about Kageyama. He never told us anything. If he had any siblings or pets. I wonder? My thoughts were suddenly interrupted.


"Oh, Kageyama! I was looking for you!"

I sat next to him.

"Senpai did you hear what I was saying on the phone?" he asks.

"Oh no no no, I arrived when you just hung up."

He just nods.

"Kageyama? You've been acting weird lately. Is something wrong? Did something happen at home or with Hinata?"


"Kageyama if something happened we can help y-"


His yelling surprised me. After that he said nothing. He suddenly just stood up and left. Well I guess that didn't go as I expected to go. The bell rang. I go back to class with a sad and concerned face.

"Suga, are you all right?"

I turn my head and see Daichi. He looked concerned too. But he wasn't concerned about Kageyama but about me. I looked at him and sternly said

"Something's wrong with Kageyama."

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