The basement

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Kageyama's POV

Darkness. Cold. Blood. Pain. That's all. My father was upstairs doing something. I....I was in the basement. Held by chains who were painfully wrapped around my wrists and ankles. Blood flowing out of the cuts that my father gave me. On my arms, legs, chest and cheek. I feel dizzy. Probably because I lost so much blood. What is blood? Haha. Blood is some red liquid that flows through the human body and keeps us alive. A red liquid that I'm losing rapidly. The door opens once again. Footsteps are heard again too. And a metal object too. Again. I'm going to be cut, again. 

"I see that you've been doing fine until now. Don't worry. I'm not going to cut you again. Why don't we have fun instead?"

Fun. Fun. Ha. Fun. The exact kind of fun that I hate. The kind of fun that could be enjoyed but can also be turned into torture. And his fun is torture. I wonder if everything is alright with Tsukishima. He's my cousin after all and he helped me a lot. My father comes closer to me and holds my face up. He starts doing what lovers do. Kissing. It's disgusting. Help me. The only thing I can think about so that I don't think about this torture is Hinata. Hinata. His bright smile. The amount of stamina that this guy has. A smile appears on my face. After 1 month I finally smile again. The reason why? Hinata.

"Oh? Are you enjoying this?" my father asks me.

"No not at all." I reply with a weak voice "I'm thinking about someone that's all."

My father stops and grabs me by my neck. He's chocking me.

"Who is it? Huh? Who? Oh wait, I know. It's that guy with his orange hair, isn't it."

I start coughing. I-I can't breathe. He releases me. I drop on the cold floor. 

"Then we will have to get rid of him."

No. What are they going to do to him.

"P-Please, wait. You can do whatever you want with me but leave him."

"Oh? Whatever I want?"

Shit. But as long as he leaves Hinata alone and my teammates no my friends they should be fine right? My father leaves the basement. Leaving me on the cold floor in a puddle of blood. I see on the table a pen and papers. I will write a letter for each of my friends. Those will be my last words to them.

Hinata's POV

Tsukishima told us everything. He told us he was Kageyama's cousin and that Kageyama was at his house but got kidnapped. Where is he now? Maybe? No, that would be to easy. Though maybe? I call everyone from the team and tell them that there is a possibility that Kageyama is in his house. Tanaka said that that would be to easy but we still went to check. When we arrived we knocked on the door. It was unlocked. We entered the house but no one seemed to be home.

"I'm telling you, he's not here." Tanaka said once again.

"Still though, let's check. Maybe we will find something that can help us." Suga said.

We checked the entire but found nothing. The only room we didn't check was the basement. We opened the door. The smell of blood went through our noses. We carefully went down stairs. One by one. Daichi was the first to arrive downstairs. When everybody was downstairs we noticed that Daichi looked pale. That's when we saw it too. Blood. Everywhere. On the walls the floor and the table too. On the table full of blood were letters. Each letter had a name adressed to one of us. Mine had harts on it. We knew exactly from who they were. Kageyama was here. But not anymore. We decided to open the letters upstairs and read them one by one. We settled down on the sofa's.  Daichi was first.

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