Am I stalking?

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Tsukishima's POV

I think everyone noticed lately that something is wrong with the King. He never shows up for practice and Hinata lost his energy. Something is going to happen, something bad. I can feel it. We're going to find out about something that should have stayed hidden.

"Tsukki! Are you listening to what I'm saying?!"

I look down and see Yamaguchi pouting. Ah, yes I forgot. I was so lost in thoughts that I forgot that Yamaguchi was talking to me. I know I'm a mean boyfriend. Yes, me and Yamaguchi are dating. Already 4 years I think. We don't really want our teammates to know so we keep quiet. Yamaguchi was sleeping over today since it was Friday. He's probably going to want attention so I really just wanted to think about this now. 

"Sorry Yamaguchi, but I was lost in thoughts." 

"What were you thinking about that is more important than listening to me?"

"I was thinking about the King. I think you've noticed."

"Yes, I did. Everyone knows something's wrong but I'm actually more worried about Hinata. He's not as bright and excited as before and he also almost never comes to practice anymore."

"Yeah. I've got a bad feeling about this."

"Me too"

Hinata's POV

Sugawara-senpai told me that he talked to Kageyama but it ended up with Kags yelling at him. I have to find out what's wrong with him. I can't go on like this. Tears start to form in my eyes. I just want Kageyama back......I want my Kageyama back. 

I decide that after practice or more like school I would follow Kageyama to his house and see if something is wrong there. Wait....... AM I GOING TO STALK KAGEYAMA?!!! But isn't stalking spying on your crush and finding out everything about them. But I'm trying to find out about him by spying on him. I REALLY am stalking him. Okay, calm down Shoyou! Everything will be okay. No one must know about this. I can't believe I'm stalking Kageyama. But, why do I feel excited about this?

School is over and now....I'm going to stalk Kageyama. But first I have to find him. Oh, there he his. Shit, I'm going to lose him. He walks out of the school gate and crosses the street. I assure that I keep at least 5 meter distance. I follow him home. Well, actually this is also the road to my house so it's kind of funny. I left my bike at school, I'll pick it up tomorrow. To be honest every time I went to Kageyama's house his parents weren't home. Kageyama says they work until late night and leave early so he never see's them. But sometimes when I want to come over he says I can't because his parents took a day off and he wants to spend the day with them which I completely understand. Oh, I just passed my house. I follow Kageyama and he suddenly turns left into a dark back alley. Where is he going? He stops. He raises his hand and knocks on what seemed to be a door. It opens. 

"Ah Tobio-chan, you're late." a low voice says.

"I'm sorry, Sir. My friends held me up." 

I could see that Kageyama was scared. His hands were trembeling. What's going to happen? No the better question is what's going on? Kageyama enters the weird building. I run towards the window and looked through it. No way! I couldn't believe what I just saw. Kageyama.....he' way..... I turn around as fast as I could and run to mt house. Crying. Why Kageyama? Why do you not say anything?

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