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Tsukishima's POV

In a way I managed to get rid of that earphone that those men gave me. I was relived in a way that Hinata didn't know where Kageyama was. If he did, he could have told us and those men would have known. I went back to my house after the meeting. Yamaguchi following me. I also got rid of his earphone, of course. A little secret that no one knew was that Kageyama was my cousin. It doesn't seem like it though. We don't resemble each other at all. Though our mother's were sisters so that makes us cousins. Everyone thinks I hate Kageyama but actually I don't. I used to though because I thought that he wanted to take my mother away since his died but he didn't. My brother adores Kageyama and now me too. I feel sorry for him and I wasn't really about the part that his dad forces him to do stuff like that but i was shocked when he told us how his mother died.

"Tsukki? Are you okay? You seem lost."

"I'm fine, Yamaguchi." I give him a kiss on his forehead. " Come on, we have to check on Kageyama."

We arrived at my house. It was dark. That's not right. Something is wrong. I enter the house taking a stick from outside. Yamaguchi behind me, scared. I walk on my tiptoes to the kitchen and open the door quietly. I see my mother and my brother tied up. I turn on the lights and run towards them.

"Mom! Akiteru! Are you okay?"

I untie them and knew exactly what happened. But how? How did they find out where Kageyama was? Dammit! 

Kageyama's POV

Darkness. I wake up in complete darkness. The last thing I remember was me in the guest room at Tsukishima's house. I heard noises downstairs. Someone was screaming. I open my eyes a bit more and I immediately recognize this place. My houses basement. How? How did he find me? I was sure he had forgotten about my mother's sister? No, this can't be true. Haha! Hahahahaha! I'm dead. The door of the basement opens. Light breaks through. Footsteps coming down the stairs. 

"You've been a bad boy, Tobio-chan." 

Ugh! I hate it when he calls me like that. It's disgusting. Though I wonder if Hinata said it, it would be sweet. Oh, Hinata. The last words from him that I will ever hear. I love you. After all this time you said it. Tears are already streaming down my face.

"What should I do with you? Hmm? Maybe I should give you a few scars no?"

I hear him pick something up. Something made of metal. Something sharp. A knife. I see the knife glistening in the light that peeks through the door upstairs. A smile on his face.

"It will only hurt a bit."


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