Kageyama is doing what?!

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3rd person POV

The next day Hinata didn't go to school. He was too shocked from what he saw. Why was Kageyama doing this? Was he being forced? Was Hinata not good enough? Hinata actually had feelings for Kageyama. Romantic ones. Sometimes he wants just to push Kageyama on the ground or against a wall or on the bed and kiss him. Kiss him till he looked like a mess. It doesn't look like it but when it comes to relationships Hinata is very overprotective and jealous. He doesn't like it when other people even touch his lover. And whoever it may be he would always and like always top. He wanted Kageyama so badly he sometimes even went crazy at home and it was his mother who had to calm him down. But now that Hinata had seen what Kageyama was doing recently he just wanted to take Kageyama with him. Somewhere where they would be alone and no one would ever bother them. He wanted to ask Kageyama what was going on. Why he was doing what he was doing.

"Shoyou? It's mom. Can I come in."


"Shoyou, I'm coming in okay?"

Hinata's POV

Mom entered my room. She probably found it dark. The curtains were closed and I was under my covers. I really didn't want to see anybody right now but I guess I could let my mom in. But Natsu, no way. Luckily she was at school so I don't have to worry about her.

"Darling, what's wrong? Did something happen between Kageyama and you?"

I snorted.

"You know you can tell me anything right?"

I shoved her away. I heard her sigh and leave. I just want to see Kageyama and only Kageyama.

Kageyama's POV

Today I stayed home. I can't walk so I can't go to school. My hips hurt like hell. Damn, he went rough on me yesterday. I hope dad doesn't call today. I really don't want another 'client' as he calls it. Suddenly my phone rings. Oh no! I sigh and look who it is. Sugawara-senpai? That's unsual. I hope no one got injured or worse kicked out. I pick up, scared that something is wrong.


"Kageyama, come to the sports hall immediately!"

And after he said that he just hung up. How am I supposed to get there if I can't even walk. Shit! I stand up and endure the immense pain coming from my hips. I walk towards school. As long as Dad doesn't call it should be fine right? When I arrive at the sports hall everyone is looking at me in a weird way. Huh? Hinata's not here?

"Where is Hinata?" I ask

"He's coming don't worry."

I sit down next to Tanaka who is giving me a scary look. It's quiet. No one is talking. Are they waiting for Hinata. The doors of the sports hall open and Hinata enters. He looks like he's seen something he shouldn't have. He comes towards me and sits down.

"Kageyama, everyone knows something is going on with you but you refuse to tell anyone and we're worried. Because of that Hinata decided to follow you yesterday."

No way. No. No. No. Not yesteday. Please, the day before or today but not yesterday. He didn't see right? Please, tell me he saw nothing.

"He saw you going somewhere in a back alley and knocking on a door."


"He saw you enter with a strange man and he saw you....getting......"

No. No. NO. NO. NO. NO! NO! NO!

"Kageyama is it true? Are you doing it willingly of are you being forced? Because what Hinata told us was that you were getting raped. Is it true?"

Little Secrets (Haikyuu!! Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang