Kageyama went missing?!

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Hinata's POV

I can't believe Kageyama went home. He went back to that man. That disgusting, abusive man. He didn't show up for school the next few days and practice was canceled because no one ever showed up. We were all shocked of Kageyama's past and truth. I wish that this would all be just a dream but it wasn't. Today, Daichi told us to come to practice after school. Not because he wanted to play volleyball but because he wanted to talk about Kageyama. When everyone finally arrived, we sat down on the floor in silence. Sensei and Coach Ukai were here too. Daichi explained to us that he wanted to do something about the situation Kageyama is in. Most of us thought that it would be best to call the police, but Kageyama told us not to. I told them that I wanted Kageyama to stay with me but 2 days ago he went home. Until now, he never showed up. Not at school or on the streets. Where was Kageyama? Then something popped up in my head. Didn't Kageyama say that if he went missing or didn't answer his fathers calls that his father would do something to him? He said that, right? But, I forgot what? Suddenly I remembered. 

"We have to get to Kageyama. Now!" I said.

"Huh? Why? Look, I know you're worried but you can't just barge in like that."  Tsukishima said.

"Don't you guys remember? Oh no, he didn't tell you. He told me when he was at my house that if Kageyama went missing when he called him or didn't answer his phone, his father would do the same thing to him as his clients would."

They didn't believe me. Not even Yamaguchi did. What is wrong with my team today? They usually always believe me. Unless... Something is not right here. Sugawara-senpai would do something about it. Not just sit silently. 

"Hey Sugawara-senpai, can I talk to you in private please?"

"Why of course, Hinata."

I stood up and went outside with Sugawara-senpai following me. I knew something was up.

"What is it, Hinata?"

"Could you turn around for a minute, please?"

Sugawara-senpai turned around and that's when I saw it. There was something behind his ear. An earphone. Why would he have an earphone? I lifted my hand up towards the earphone and pulled it off. Suga collapsed onto the ground. Mind-controlled perhaps? No. I have to ask him later when he wakes up. I poked my head back inside and told Daichi that me and Suga were going to the infirmary because Suga didn't feel wel. I had to drag him to the infirmary. Wow, he was heavy. I waited until he regained consciousness. 

"Sugawara-senpai, are you okay?"

"H-Hinata?" he called my name while rubbing his head.

"No, lay back down. You're hurt. What happened? Do you remember something?"

"Yes. When you left with Kageyama, there were these strange men around us. They had weapons with them. They knocked us all out and the next thing we wake up in a dark room all tied up next to each other. And then this man came in and told us to follow his every order or the safety of our family would be in danger. We were afraid so we agreed. They put something behind our ear so they could order us around. Daichi was forced to cancel practice and to have a meeting today. They wanted you to tell us exactly where Kageyama is and what you told him when you two were alone."

"A set-up huh? Smart. Who do you think those people were?"

"Probably related to Kageyama's father or something like that."

"But what do you mean by they wanted to know where Kageyama is? He went home after he left my house?"

"Turns out he's not there."

Oh no. Where would he be? If not home maybe somewhere with a client? No. If he was then they wouldn't be searching for him. Where could he be? Wait, a long time ago Kageyama said he had a cousin who lived here. Maybe he's with him. But who is his cousin?

3rd person POV

Back in the sports hall is Tsukishima playing smart. He knew exactly where Kageyama is. Kageyama is at his house.

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