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Before you begin, there are a few guidelines to this rp.

1. Hate the character, not the roleplayer. Now, I would say this rule is fairly simple, but it should simply mean that if you dislike a character for what they do, that is simply the character's actions and how the roleplayer portrays them, not the person themselves doing it.

2. If you want to say something out of roleplay during a roleplay, please use some sort of indication to tell so.  This simply means, if you're in the middle of an action or whatnot, you can use () , //, or even {} to say something that does not relate to rp.

3. Be original. Aha, I do realize this rule can be a bit vague, but this means, try to stray away from the typical Skyrim OC. This means, the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild OCs should preferably be kept down to a minimum or at least have some differing trait. Making assassin characters are perfectly fine, you just need to be careful with how they're developed. This also means, please do your best to try and have other races involved, rather than everyone being a perfect wood elf.

4. No Mary-Sues or Gary-Sues/Be realistic. Avoid being overpowered. I've seen many good OCs that are fascinating, but the roleplayer can often portray them as being OP. Not even the Daedric Princes in Skyrim are 100% perfect and all powerful. This means, your character cannot wipe out every single person who makes them angry without a sweat. Everyone has flaws, but flaws just make us each who we are!

5. You cannot join in the rp until you have been accepted. The password is "Fus Ro Dah."

6. Romance limitation is smut. So, therefore, if you want to do smut, please take it to pm. Any smut found on this will be removed immediately.

7. Focus on others, not yourself. Please be humble in your roleplaying and make sure others will be noticed.

8. Do not be overdramatic with things and make sure everyone else gets their fair share of action. If you are bumped into by a character, do not instantly start a war at them. Unless your character is specifically designed that way, that is fine, but please take precautions. Make sure that you give others the same effort that you're giving yourself.

9. Three sentence minimum. This just helps the flow go along. 

10. And please, finally, be nice to each other. I hope this rule isn't hard, but I see so many roleplayers who snap and argue at each other. Please get along, but if you absolutely cannot, please pm me and I will attempt to fix the issue.

Thank you! If any of you have questions, please go ahead and ask me in the comments or pm.

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