☆Riften [Roleplay One] (The Bee and Barb)

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Welcome to the city of corruption, where the home of Theives Guild is. This city is not completely corrupted, but, it is notorious for its stealing and general crime. Will you partake in this crime, or will you be the one doing it?

Deciding it looked fairly dark outside and you didn't want to take any risks, you take immediate shelter at the nearest inn, which was The Bee and Barb. As soon as you pushed the door open, you see some very strange sights. You hesitate, moving to the side as you try to decide what to do. However, looking around, you see...

(Insert your roleplay response - Your Own Path.)

(Verister's Path) However, looking around, you see a man leaning against the bar counter with a smug expression. He runs his hands through his brown hair, laughing at whatever he was talking about. He held a beer mug tightly within his grip, though, his eyes part to the side when he notices you standing there, causing him to scoff and look the other direction. 

(Mecinato's (Astalinus) Path)  However, looking around, you see a man sitting in the corner quietly eating a sweetroll. It appeared that he had an untouched glass of ale in front of him, though he seemed to be refusing to drink it. His eyes were fixated on the doorway as he releases a heavy sigh, seeming not to notice you come in.

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