☆Anise's Cabin [Roleplay Six] (Special Scenario)

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It was surely approaching midnight and you decided that you and your traveling companion(s) needed a place to rest. You were still in the wilderness from earlier, so you didn't have many options. You secretly wanted to go on further, but you knew neither of you could stay awake for much longer. The two of you trudged on for quite a while until you both stumble upon a strange sight; a small cabin in the woods. An older lady wearing a mage robe was sitting outside, her eyes readjusting to see you two walking past her cabin. She suddenly stands up, a smile stretching across her lips. "Oh, your poor things! You look so exhausted, why don't you come in and rest here? There's nothing to worry about, I just get so lonely sometimes." She explains out, causing you to glance over to your companion in questioning.

" She explains out, causing you to glance over to your companion in questioning

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(Your Own Path)

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(Your Own Path)

(Verister's Path) He didn't seem so swayed by how creepy this woman seemed. After all, he IS a vampire hunter, so you've assumed he's seen worse. Verister just gives a small nod of his head to you, though he takes a step forwards. "Hah, sure. Will there be enough rooming for both my companion and I?" He asks cockily, not even wanting to say a thank you. You felt guilty and wanted to stop him and apologize to the old lady for his words. However, the lady simply nods her head, her smile not faltering. "Why of course, dear! Come right in, there's no worries~."

(Mecinato's Path) You've never seen this man so conflicted in his life. His mouth hangs slightly open, since he wanted to say something, he just couldn't manage the words out. Mecinato was a fairly nice guy, but he was also gullible and couldn't say no to things. The woman takes a step closer to the two of you and Mecinato suddenly grabs your arm tightly since he was starting to feel threatened, as if he was relying on you for what to say.

(Viaredil's Path) He didn't trust other mages, not one bit. Though, since his niece was traveling alongside him as well as you, he only wanted what was the best. Viaredil wouldn't sleep one bit the whole night just to make sure nothing fishy happened. "Yes, thank you madam. Come on you two, we should head inside." Viaredil protectively hovers over the two of you, his eyes constantly darting around. The old woman leads you inside her home and smiles out. "Such a lovely family you have here. And judging by your looks, you are all mages?" She curiously asks, though mainly because she notices the marks on Viaredil's face.

(Volkir's Path) Let's face it, this kid is as oblivious as it gets. He grins out and takes a step forward, his fangs flashing out. "Why, yes, I'd most appreciate that." He hums out, causing you to grow nervous of both Volkir and the old woman. Facing the facts, Volkir would probably use this as a good reason to turn both you and this woman.

(J'dul's Path) He walks faster than you, since he wanted to be very protective. "Thank you for the kind offering, but I will require my companion's opinion first before offering." J'dul flicks his tail anxiously and his green eyes make their way over to glance at you. "Y/N, what do you think? I do not like the look of this, but seeing how tired you are, there may not be another option."

(Azuk's Path) C'mon, he's a big intimidating Orc physically, so this woman trying anything would be a bad idea. You think that at first, though you quickly realize that this woman notices his weak leg, so she knew it was an open opportunity if she was going to try anything. Azuk glances up at the woman with concern, though he stays equally beside you. "I don't see the problem with this, do you want to Y/N?" He questions, his eyes going to you.

(K'ais's Path) "Hell no," he murmurs out, his breath hitting your neck. You felt like scolding him in case the woman had heard his remark, but luckily she hadn't. "This is a trap Y/N, I just know it." He murmurs out to you, since he refused to answer the question. He knew you two were quite tired, so you couldn't make it quite far if you tried to run.

(Nerureel's Path) False alarm, I don't think this man knows what getting tired is. It takes him a while to tire out, but he was slowly getting there. He gets angrier and grumpier as his energy levels fall, so you knew he's starting to get close. He sort of just grunts out at the woman's offer, his darkened eyes glancing to you. "Oi, I don't like the idea of this. What's your take, hm?" He asks you quietly, his voice down low.

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