[ 0.5 ] imessage | tessa

384 22 15

Today 3:37pm

ugh dodie i feel like crap

i'm never gonna find him

dodie 🎼
u will dw

but will i ?

he's probably gone forever

dodie 🎼
Tessa! Stop that attitude!
He's bound to be someone
in the yt community so I'll
find him eventually

he probably doesn't even like
me like that

it was just a compliment

dodie 🎼
yeah but I saw the way u
looked last night

u were smitten and u
know it

ugh, why do you have to be
so clever?

dodie 🎼
it's just the way I'm made :)

why do i feel so weird

i can't stop thinking about

dodie 🎼
what did u say his name
was again?


dodie 🎼
and u don't know his

or like anything else

no 😔

i mean, he said he was
awkward and that he
thought i was pretty

but that's all

dodie 🎼
what did he look like?

i couldn't really see tbh

he was really tall

dodie 🎼
I guess I know a Dan who's
tall and awkward but I
doubt he'd do anything as
courageous as tell a girl
she's pretty

there's no chance it's him

like 1 in a million

is he on yt ?

dodie 🎼

what's his channel name ?

dodie 🎼

it's not him though

it can't be

  let me check and i'll get
back to you
Read 3:01pm

holy shit it's him
Read 3:12pm

dodie 🎼
wait wtf


he's so awkward and gay

are u sure

yeah, pretty sure

it's the same voice and he
looks kinda like the dan from
the party

dodie 🎼
omfg you're in love with
Dan fucking Howell

okay wOAH love is a bit far


omfg you're infatuated
with Dan fucking Howell


dodie 🎼
this is crazy I need to text

dodie don't you dare

dodie 🎼
why not?


he doesn't even know who i

dodie 🎼

he won't know that I know

I'll just ask him if it was
him who I saw staring at
someone last night

i s2g

dodie 🎼
just chill

he's cool n he won't know
it's u

you're not giving me any
choice are you?

dodie 🎼
nope 🤗

ugh fine

tell me what he says though

dodie 🎼

thank you <3 you're the best
Read 3:29pm

dodie 🎼
u flatter me too much

but thank u ur the best too <3

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