Chapter 2 - I'll Be There For You?

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While laying inside the bathtub, Riley was softly crying. She still couldn't believe it happened. She had to find the courage to tell her mother, or brother, or Sportacus, or just someone! She stayed in there until her mother was gone to work. Only then she let herself out of the bathroom.

Putting her bathrobe on, she went to the kitchen. She felt sooooo hungry! But wait, how could this be? She threw up just an hour ago. She's not supposed to be hungry now. Then she realized – but no, it couldn't be it!! It just couldn't! She wished she could go back time and change last night's event. She just hated herself.

She grabbed an apple and went to sit in the living room. She turned on the TV and switched to Comedy Central, and found out there were two episodes in a row of "Friends". She loved that show, no matter how many times she watched it. These were the episodes of "The One With Monica's and Chandler's Wedding" and "The One After 'I Do'", when the girls finds out that Rachel is pregnant. For the first time ever, she didn't want to watch the show. She didn't want to think if she was... like Rachel. But she wanted to know.


It was 8:00am, and Riley knew that Sportacus was still in his airship, exercising. She dressed up quickly, grabbed her bag and her wallet and sneaked out.

She had to find out. Was she? Or was she just thinking she is? She had to know, even though she didn't want to. But she couldn't do it at home. Her mother might find out. There has to be another way.

Arriving to the pharmacy, she asked for a pregnancy test. Once she paid for it, she hid it in her bag. Then she left the pharmacy and quickly went home. Well, almost.

"Hi, Riley! I got a letter from your mother that you're sick, but it seems like you're fine..." Sportacus came by surprised and said.

"Oh, um... I just forgot that we ran out of pain killers, which would really help me, so I just went to get some." She tried her best to lie.

"Now, come on, how about we will go to your house and make you some herbal tea? I'm sure it will be better than those pain killers." He suggested and the two walked towards her home.


When they arrived to the house, Riley rushed to her room to hide the pregnancy test that she just bought. She hid it in the first drawer in her night stand. In the same drawer she kept her private diary and her music notebooks, where she writes and composes her songs. Everybody knew it and knew it was forbidden to open it. She then rushed to the bathroom, to throw up again. Sportacus was making her tea when he heard that. He wondered what made her so sick. She came back to the kitchen, wearing again her pajama.

"Do you know what you're having?" he asked as she sat next the kitchen counter and served her the cup of tea.

"No... My mom assumes it's just a virus or something." She said as she took a sip from the tea.

"You know, this is really good." She told him.

"I'm glad you like it. It supposed to help your sickness." He said and smiled.


Sportacus stayed and took care of Riley for the rest of the morning until her mother came back from her work around 1:45pm.

"Hello, Sportacus! Thank you for helping, but I'll take a charge from here." Rachel said.

"That's alright. I'm just glad I could help. Send me a letter if you need anything else." Sportacus said and left.

He was on the way to the airship when Nathan passed him by, running very fast.

"Wow, hey Nathan! What is your rush?" Sportacus stopped him.

"Riley didn't come to school today, so I'm going to check on her." Nathan said and was about to take off, but Sportacus still stopped him.

"I wouldn't do it. I just came back from there, and she's pretty sick. It's better if you will leave her alone." He told him.

"Oh... Well, thanks for telling me. Maybe I'll just call her." Nathan said, and Sportacus could hear the disappointment in his voice.


"You seem to be better. Maybe you will go to school tomorrow." Rachel said.

"Oh, great." Riley faked a smile. Then her phone was ringing. It was Nathan. She growled and picked it up.


"Hi, love. Sportacus told me that you're sick. How are feeling?" he asked on the other side.

"Um... Feeling better. My mom just said that maybe tomorrow I'll be back." She said.

"Great! So... What made you so sick today?" he asked.

"I don't really know, but my mom thinks it's a virus." She answered.

"Oh... I really hope you'll be fine by tomorrow. I really miss you." He said.

"I miss you too."

"Ok, I will let you rest now. Bye. Kisses." Nathan said and hung up.


At night, Riley could barely sleep. She had a nightmare of the evening before.

She was afraid of what her mother would say. Of what her brother would say. She remembered when she moved to LazyTown, Sportacus promised Robbie to keep her safe forever. Will he feel like he failed? Would he feel guilty for not being there?

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