Chapter 12 - Four Months

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"Robbie, I don't care, you won't convince me!" Rachel told her son.

"But mom, please! Just see how you're daughter was before she met him, and how she is after. Do you want her to be depressed again? While she's pregnant??" Robbie made her face the facts.

She didn't answer.

"Because if you want her that way, then there you go. She will be depressed... She will harm herself again... Be alone... Won't talk to you..." he scared her.

"Ok, ok, I got you're point! But I still don't want him to be around her!" she said.

"Mother, please. Try to be rational. Because if any of this, of what I said, will happen, you do know that Sportacus would handle her better than the both of us together," he told her.

"No. I don't want Sportacus anywhere near my daughter! Well, except for saving..."

Robbie sighed and went to see Riley in her room.

He could tell she was sad. Her back was facing him, and he heard her sobbing.


She didn't answer.

"Riley, please, talk to me..."

She turned around and sat on the bed.

"I don't care if his your age, and he doesn't care about that either. Because at the end she will see us together. She will see that we're happy together," she cried and he came to sit next to her.

"I know, I know. But hey, let's talk about something else. Like, how was your day? Besides Sportacus, of course..." he suggested.

"Well... The baby started moving today..." she told him with a weak smile.

"R-Really?" Her brother gasped with a smile.

"Yes!" she told him with excitement, then looked down at her belly.

"I think he's moving right now..." she told him, then looked up at him.

She took his hand and placed it on her belly.

"Can you feel it?" she asked, smiling at him.

"Oh my god, yes!" he told her with tears.

"Does mom know? Did she feel it?" he asked.

"...No. It happened when I was with Sportacus," she told him.

"Oh..." he said, and as in a cue, their mother came in.

"Guys, um, I'm ordering pizza for the three of us, do you have any preferred topping?" she asked.

The brother and sister looked at each other and smiled.

"Ok, what is going on?" Rachel asked.

"I'm still mad at you, but come over here and give me your hand," her daughter smiled.

Rachel didn't understand what was going on, but did as she said.

Riley took her hand and placed it on her stomach, next to Robbie's hand, and her eyes grew wider.

"Oh... Oh my god..." she began to tear up.


The same night, Sportacus went to sleep sad.

He couldn't stop thinking about Riley all that day.

He just wanted to hold her again, kiss her again...

No! He couldn't!

Riley's mother was right when she was mad at them.

Maybe he should leave the town for a while...

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