Chapter 3 - Can't Keep The Secret

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It was Friday, four days since Riley "caught a virus" and now she's back at school. She was still throwing up every morning, but convinced her mother that she will be fine. But she didn't feel like hanging out with her friends, and tried to stay away from them. Amanda noticed that odd behavior. She had to find out what was going on.


Riley was now in a history class. Amanda didn't join the class so she can spy on her.

"Um, Mrs. Adams? May I go to the bathroom?" Riley raised her hand and asked.

"Of course, Riley, but make it quick." Mrs. Adams said.

Riley quickly took the pregnancy test out of her school bag and hid it under her jacket, then went out of the classroom.

She went to the girls' bathroom. But she didn't notice that Amanda was spying on her and capturing her in the video camera on her phone. She recorded on her phone to which cell she was going. When Riley closed the door, she stopped the camera.

In her cell in the bathroom, Riley opened the pregnancy test package nervously. She did what she had to do, and waited five minutes for the result. And there it was – two lines, saying it was positive. Riley was about to cry, but instead she held herself and threw the test and the package to the trash. She washed her hand and headed back to class.

When she was gone, Amanda turn on the camera again, and recorded herself walking to the same cell and the pregnancy test that Riley threw to the trash can that was in the cell.


It was almost the end of the day, when everybody heard the principal's voice in the PA system of school. He told everyone to be in the small theatre hall they had in the school after the next recess.

"I wonder what the principal has to say..." Carolina said.

"Yeah, me too..." Riley added, although she had a feeling that she knows what he's going to talk about.


After the recess was over, all the students filled the hall. Nathan, Carolina and Riley sat at the end of the third row.

Then the principal, the school counselors and the janitor walked up on stage.

"Hello, everyone. I guess you're wondering why I gathered you all. Well, as you know, teen-pregnancy is, unfortunately, a pretty common case around the world. In LazyTown, however, it is a very rare case. But still, after our janitor, Martin, came and showed me a positive pregnancy test that he found in the girls' bathroom in the third floor. Now, first of all, we all want to say that we're not coming to yell at you. We just want to help you. All we want is to the girl to confess. It can be now, and it can be later to me or to one of the school counselors. We all just want to help this girl and giver her support." The principal told the students.

Everyone were silent, until Amanda, who sat in the tenth row stood up.

"Oh, the principal!" she called.

"Yes, Ms. Goldestein?"

"I know who that girl is! And I even got proofs." She said and walked down the principal with her phone.

She showed him the videos, and he realized it was Riley. Before he looked at her, Riley ran out the hall crying. Everybody looked at her and began to whisper.

"Oh my god, that's her!" "I bet that Nathan is the father." "Aw, poor girl!" "Do you think she will keep the baby?"

Carolina and Nathan looked at each other. They were about run after her, but Mrs. Adams stopped them.

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