Chapter 11 - Mr. Loverboy

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Three months later...

It was already September, the first month of the school year.

It was weird for both Nathan and Carolina to go to the first day of their last school year without Riley. And even weirder – they were still figuring out what was going on between them since three months ago.

And Sportacus and Riley were hurt the most. They haven't seen each other in the past three months.

Sportacus couldn't stop thinking about her. About their kiss. He was wondering how she was doing. He knew that today she's supposed to start to study tomorrow with her new teacher – Mrs. O'Bryan. She was one of Rachel's friends here in LazyTown, who retired from teaching in the elementary school last year, but still did private lessons.

Meanwhile, Riley just woke up. She was already 5 months pregnant, and it was definitely showing. She still had morning sicknesses, but less and less after the first trimester passed. Luckily, this morning she didn't have any. Her mother was also going easy with her with the house chores, so today she just needed to go to the grocery store to get just some little things for the house. She didn't want to get up, but she decided it will be pointless to continue sleeping.


Sportacus decided also to productive this morning and decided to do his morning exercises in the fresh air and not in the airship.

So he jumped down to the town and began to exercise, when he saw Mrs. O'Bryan walking down the street. She saw him as well, and went to him to say hello.

"Good morning, Sportacus!" she said as he did some push-ups on one of the small walls.

"Good morning, Mrs. O'Bryan!" he said, keep doing push-ups.

"How are you today?" she asked.

"Very good, and you?" he asked.

"Good as well, I was just on my way to the Rottens, to if Riley needs anything before going to my own errands," she said and smiled. That's when Sportacus fell off the wall.

"Did you say 'Riley'?" he asked nervously.

"Well, yes. Is everything ok? Because I did hear that you two had a fight or something in the vacation," she said.

"Um, yeah, kind of... I really haven't seen her around in the last months..." he told her.

"Oh... Well, um, I think I will go now. Have a great day," Mrs. O'Bryan said and left.

Oh, Riley...

He assumed that now she had a baby bump. He wondered how she looked now, being 5 months pregnant.


Mrs. O'Bryan knocked on the door, and she didn't wait long for it to open.

"Hey, Mrs. O'Bryan. What are you doing here?" the pregnant girl smiled at the old woman.

"Well, just stopped by to see that everything is okay with you," Mrs. O'Bryan smiled.

"I'm fine, perfectly fine. In fact, I'm going later to the grocery store, to get some things," Riley told her.

"Oh, then maybe do want me to get them for you?" Mrs. O'Bryan suggested.

"No, no, no, it's ok, I can manage that, and also I really need to get out of the house a little," she laughed, "But thanks."

"Ok, well, then just don't forget to send me your class schedule once you get it," Mrs. O'Bryan told her and left.

"Ok, bye!" Riley said and was about to close the door, not before she caught Sportacus watching her from afar.

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