Chapter 14 - Epilogue

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4 years later...

It was a couple of days before Christmas, and LazyTown was already covered in snow.

Kids were playing outside, having snow fights, building snowmen.

Sportacus, on the other hand, had to chase his little son, Michael, who was all over the place. Why? Because he was so excited that his mom was coming back today from a few days in Brazil, and hoped that she brought some gifts from there. Oh, and yeah, he also missed her.

"Daddy, look!" he quickly jumped on a small wall and tried to balance himself on it, but slipped because of the snow. Luckily, his dad caught him just in time. Well, he was Sportacus after all.

"Mikey, you should be more careful!" Sportacus laughed.

"I know, daddy, but I'm so excited that I don't you what to do!" Michael told him, making him laugh even harder.

"She hasn't arrived yet?" they heard a voice from behind.

"Uncle Robbie!" Michael exclaimed, and Robbie picked him.

"Hey little buddy!"

"No, she's not here yet..." Sportacus told him, but then they all turned around when they heard a car pulling off.

They all saw Riley coming out of the taxi, and she was freezing. She didn't wore warm enough clothes, since in Brazil it was summer.

"Hey, you guys!" she ran as she strolled her luggage.

"Mommy, your back!" Michael jumped down from his uncle's arms so his mother could pick him up.

"Oh, Mikey, I missed you so much!" she hugged him so tight, and Sportacus and Robbie raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, stop acting like you're jealous, you know I missed you both as well," she told them and received a hug and a kiss on the cheek from her husband, Sportacus.

"So how was Brazil?" Robbie asked his sister.

"Wow, it was amazing! It's such a beautiful country, and my fans there are so adorable!" She told them.

Here's another thing that happened in the last four years – Riley became one of the most famous pop artists in the world, like she always wanted. How's that happened? It all started two years ago when the president of the country came for a short visit in LazyTown, and the mayor asked from Riley if she could sing for him. Pixel recorded everything and uploaded the video to LazyTown's official website. A very famous musical producer found it on the internet by accident, and the rest is history.

"Mommy, mommy, what did bring me from there?" Michael asked eagerly.

"Michael!" Sportacus told him.

"Don't you worry, I got you all that you asked, especially for your birthday next week!" she told him and put him down.

"Really? Even the last thing on the list?" he asked.

"What was the last thing on the list?" Robbie asked.

"Michael, we talked about it," Sportacus told his son, "it takes nine months for a baby to come to the world."

"Oh, that's the last thing..." Robbie said.

"But maybe mommy and daddy will bring you a little brother or sister in the next nine months," Riley told Michael, trying to cheer him up.

"Now, come on, Mikey, I'm sure that grandma's Christmas cookies are already in the oven. If we hurry up, we can have the first cookies," Robbie told his little nephew, who instantly changed his mood and followed his uncle to Grandmother Rachel's house, leaving Sportacus and Riley alone.

"You know that when I said 'maybe' I meant 'absolutely', and when I said 'next nine months' I actually meant 'seven months', right?" Riley told her husband.

"Wait, what?" he turned to her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well, before I went to Brazil, I took two pregnancy tests, and they both turned out to be positive, so..."

"We're going to have our second child?" Sportacus asked, and Riley could see tears of happiness in eyes.

"Yes, and, um... The first child who is... biologically ours," she told him quietly.

"Are you kidding me? I swear that Mikey got some of my genes somehow, because this little is an energy bomb!" Sportacus laughed, making her laugh too.

"I'm sorry, it has been four years and I still can't believe that you eventually turned out to be my," she told him and he raised an eyebrow at her, "I'm sorry, our son's father, even if not the biological one."

"Are you kidding me? This is the family I've always wanted! An amazing woman who I'm honored to be her husband, I have a loving son, and maybe a daughter soon?" he told her and laughed.

"Maybe..." she giggled as he bent down and kissed her stomach.

"Now come on, let's get you home, you need to rest a little before your performance at the Christmas party tomorrow," Sportacus told her and grabbed her luggage.


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