Chapter 13 - Michael

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It was almost Riley's due date. It was supposed to be in the week of the Christmas holiday.

And because of that, the Rottens had to spend the Christmas just the three of them, in LazyTown, instead of going to Aunt Mary, how lived in AppleTown.

And since Riley didn't want to have a baby shower because she thought it would be really awkward, she received many baby things as Christmas presents from friends and the family who lived far away, but from Robbie and her mother she received gifts for herself, that she actually wanted like CDs, new clothes to wear after giving birth, and some cute new cases for her iPhone.

And everything was great, because she got to spend the holiday with her friends, such as Carolina and Nathan (but not together, since neither of them have confessed yet about their feelings for each other), and the room for her baby was perfectly prepared, but still, some things were still wrong...

Well first, there was Sportacus missing. She missed him so damn much! She needed him.

And the other thing wasn't less important – she still didn't have the baby!! That's right, her due date wasn't eventually December 24th. And it was quite a torture.

Her nights became more restless because she became so anxious and was afraid the labor would start in any second. She had tried everything her doctor recommended (except for sex of course), but nothing worked!

But it finally happened on December 31st, also known as the New Year Eve.


It was finally December 31st, and the most of the town came to the sports hall to celebrate, including Robbie, Rachel and of course pregnant Riley, who didn't have so much fun.

"Hey, Riley, um... Would you like piece of cake maybe?" Nathan came and suggested.

"No thanks," she replied, and grabbed a chair and sat next to her.

"That's quite a torture, huh?" he asked and caressed her big stomach.

"Just quite?" she rolled her eyes.

"Have you really tried everything?" he asked.

"Everything but sex, unless you wanna try?" she glared at him, knowing it will freak him out.

"No, no... I'm good," he replied, and it was shown he was a little bit scared of her.

"Sorry, it's just really pissing me off!" she groaned.

"No, it's ok, I get it..." he said.

"You know what, I'll try again to go and walk a little outside," she managed to stand up.

"Wait, are you sure? It's really cold out there, even your cold won't help you," he told her.

"That's my point. Maybe the cold will help it. Just tell me mom and my brother that I went outside, and if you can't find me, then try to look for me in the LazyTown Hospital, I might be there with my baby," she grabbed her coat and left a very shocked Nathan sitting there.


Sportacus was already on his way back to LazyTown. He wanted to surprise the LazyTowners tomorrow morning, for the New Year. He also assumed that Riley already had her baby. He smiled only from the thought of seeing her little baby, holding him. He wondered what his name was. He remembered that once, when Rachel asked him to watch over Riley again, when she was three months pregnant, and they somehow began to discuss about names.

Meanwhile, Riley was walking in the snow, hoping some miracle would happen and get this baby out of her already. And it happened – her water broke.

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