When The Idea Hit Me

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Chapter One: A New Colony

The sun peeked through my drapes and shown in my crystal eyes, taking away sleep entirely. "Oh, a beautiful morning indeed." I whispered lazily to myself, and I stepped off my bed and onto the floor to stretch. I walked over to the mirror and began to comb out the knots in my matted mane, wincing here and there at the pain from the tangles. Once I had finished my brushing, I made my way into the hallway, heading to the dining room for breakfast. "Good morning, Flash Sentry." He stared straight ahead like any normal guard would do. "Have you spoken to Twilight recently?" At this he looked at me and I smiled at him. His cheeks began burning crimson, and he replied. "Y-yes your highness. We spoke last night in the hall when I escorted her from dinner." His cheeks still burned red and I giggled as I began to trot away. "I'm just teasing Flash." Trot, trot, trot, trot... that's all you could hear down the narrow hallway, in which I was now alone in. I glanced out of the castle window, to see ponies prancing around and laughing as they played. i thought to myself, "Why can't you enjoy the night as you do the day? It is just as important" and I left it alone. I entered the dining room and saw my elder sister at the table waiting for me. I sat next to her at the table and she ordered her usual "toasted pastry with icing on top and a cup of coffee" as I ordered my usual as well, "a jelly filled donut with a small cup of hot tea". As we awaited our meal, she caught me glancing out the window at more ponies enjoying the sun. "Dearest sister, what is the trouble?" Celestia sounded concerned. "It's only every pony enjoys the daytime and take slumber through my glorious night. I feel as though no pony appreciates my rising of the moon. If they'd only stay out a bit longer to see its true beauty, they would love my darkness, and enjoy it as much as your light." Celestia let out a sigh, "Lullay, we've discussed the matter before. I would have thought you have matured enough as a 14 year young mare to understand. Both night and day are equal important and share the same beauty, but ponies find it easier to see and complete tasks in the day than the night." Our food came through the door and the royal baker set both our meals in front of us. "Thank you, Chef Cakes." We said in unison as he walked back into the kitchen and Tia finished speaking. "Now Luna, eat your breakfast so we can get on with our daily duties." I mumbled to myself in anger, "I don't have any duties for your stupid day..." and I took an aggressive bite from my donut. Just before she could get a sip of her coffee, Tia heard what I said and snapped at me. "Luna! That is no way to speak about your sisters day! I have NEVER spoken about your beautiful night have I? Do I not deserve to have something beautiful as well?" Tia didn't yell at me, she only spoke in a furious tone. That is how she expressed being mad. "Of course you do Tia, it's just.. I had no intention to hurt your feelings, Sister. The words just came out. I am truly sorry. I jus-" I paused for a moment as my mind began to sprout a brilliant idea, and m eyes widened at the idea itself. I yelled, "Oh my stars! Tia! I just had the most amazing idea! At night I've seen foals out in the streets. They have no homes, and some of them are of the orphanage. They enjoy my night more than the day, I've heard one or two say it themselves. I could take the foals to a place and form a new colony where they only knew night! You could have the ponies that enjoy the day, and I would take the ones that enjoy the night! Oh what brilliance! I'll go announce it to everypony." I stood up out of my chair and Celestia stopped me in my tracks. "Lullay! That is a terrible idea! After Discord turning to stone just a few days ago, the colony we rule now is very weak. We could never separate them! It would tear our kingdom apart! You do not have permission to do this Lully, nor will you ever." I was speechless because Instead of using tone, Tia yelled at me. I had never heard her yell before. Finally, I worked up the courage to yell back. "Do not call me by that name! Lully is the name of a child, and I am no child! I am almost a full grown mare Celestia, and I will not be called by my childhood name!" She stared at me, her jaw hanging low. I galloped away to my room. The hallway seemed even longer than before, for I could barely see through the tears that blurred my eyes. At last, I reached my destination. I used my magic to open the door and ran in. Flash Sentry was still at my door and watched me gallop in concerned. No sooner than I reached my room, I slammed the door shut as he tried to speak with me. "Your high-" The door closed with a loud bang, and I flopped onto my bed, burying my face into my feather pillow, and sobbed silent hot tears. That was it. I had asked her to help the matter before, but nothing seemed to change. I'm going through with my proposal tonight. Nopony will be able to stop me, for I will be far far away, where Nopony will ever think to look for me and the dear foals. I kept my muzzle buried in the pillow and cried, eventually I dozed off. My guess is that I finally passed out from wallowing so much.

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