Celestia 2

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The guards stills aren't back with any news. I still have no information on my sisters whereabouts. I'm beginning to worry about my guards. I worry they did find Luna, but did not however, live to tell the tale. If only I hadn't rushed them, I could have given Shining Armor, head of the royal guards, the power to send messages to me. Then I may know how they are. Until I do know, I'm left here to wait, and pace on the balcony, checking the telescope everytime I feel necessary. I try to write letters to my sister, but she doesn't reply. I cannot put blame on her for that though, I can only imagine the anger she feels towards me now. I do wish I ha never yelled at her...but I do also wish she would stop feeling unappreciated, and know that we are all grateful for her rising of the moon. Oh well, I hope to know soon. This is one of the letters I have written her, to which she never responded.

My dearest Lullay,

I understand you may he angry, saddened, or feel unappreciated now, but sweet Sister, that is not what everypony thinks of you. We all are very grateful for your night, and we would all like for you to return home. I miss you Lullay, but I cannot set the sun without you here. The balance has been thrown off, and PonyvilLe will grow too hot to live in. All the ponies will die, and the colony will fall apart. We await your return anxiously Princess Luna.

Your adoring sister and friend,

Princess Celestia

With that letter sent, I know she has received it. I just don't know if she will return. Though I know my sister is fair and intellectual, everypony makes mistakes, and she does not know how great a mistake she is making.

A few hours later...

I am still pacing by the window, taking short breaks here and there, but I can't seem to calm myself. Then, the door to the room I was hidden within opened. It was only Cadence. I sigh. "Oh, hello Cadence. You have heard of Luna, I presume?" She took a breathe and spoke in a worry, "Yes, I have heard. Shining made it clear to the messenger to tell me of your command. I know it was for the best...we need Luna here." "Cadence, my young niece, please forgive me for sending Shining Armor." I hung my head, "I reacted irrationally, and I did no think before I took action. Please jus-" She interrupted me, which she doesn't do often. I knew she was upset already about sending her newly wed husband off, but I hasn't a clue ah was so heart broken to be so rude to anypony. "Tia, I am not here to hear you be for my forgiveness. I understand why you sent him, I only wish you didn't act so quickly. Now, I have sent food and drink to the guards. I will do this regularly so they may return home safely and healthy...just as they left. I will leave you to your duties now, they aren't getting done as long as you doubt an dread in this room." Trying to hide the anger cringing he face, she trotted out. Guilt and sadness plastered my face and brain, and I just sat. I sat for about another hour, and finally found enough strength to get to and finish m duties. Tomorrow, that will be my last day to be able to rise the sun. I cannot rise it after that, for my strength is weak, and the balance has been tampered with of night and day. Until Luna returns, the moon will stay up, for not even she can send her moon towards the hills in this situation after tonight. I just hope the kingdom will find a way to hold on for a while, and I hope it doesn't shatter so soon.


Hey guys! I enjoy seein your comments, so thank you very much for doin that! haha I'm really having fun writing this, and I really hope talk are having fun reading it. Sorry I didn't update for a while, but I so my best pieces when I get the urge to write, and so I try to wait for that. I've also been very busy, so I'll te an update more often :). Constructive criticism is accepted, and I'd enjoy even more comments and VOTES. :) happy reading! Btw, Princess Cadence is NOT a sister. There is a crap ton of confusion there. I am going to set it straight with all of you. Cadence was Celestias former students before Twilight and Sunset Shimmer. She has graduated from her studies and was granted a Princess and ruler is the Crystal Empire, as Princess Celestia practically adopted her as her niece. Just thought I would clear all that away.

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