The Foals Stories

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GARI (gah-ree):
I'm Gari, and I live in the streets. It's a tough life for a filly so young, but I manage. I sleep in tunnels, under bridges, and sometimes I even find porches to huddle underneath, if I get lucky. As a newborn foal, my mother lost her life in the struggle to give birth, in expectance that my father would keep me and care for me without her. She was wrong of him. After her death, he went crazy. Sure, I stayed for a while, but I ran away a few weeks after he began abusing me with his magic. He would touch me in places nopony every should be. He even threw things at me. Things like books of mothers, his alcohol bottles, and the ash tray in which he dumped his cigar butts. Since I had never met any of my relatives, I had no one else to care for me. So, I took to the streets. All of this happened about 5 years ago, so I'm 9 now. I've been on the streets for almost 4 years now, seeing that I had to stay with my father until I was old enough to understand the world around me. Still, I long for a family and for a mother again. Anything would be nice. I've somehow managed to avoid being taken to the orphanage..i guess they already have too many foals to care for...and I'd probably be an even bigger burden.

Hey there! My name is MagPie. I'm an orphanage filly. I guess you want to know who I ended up in the orphanage huh? Well, when my birth-mother got pregnant, she didn't mean to. So, when she had me, she put me up for adoption right away. Nopony adopted me, and they were running out of room. Since I was one of the fillies there for the longest time, they sent me to the orphanage so that maybe some pony would adopt me from a different place. I kept having to move foster homes, and now I'm moved here to Ponyville Orphanage. So as long as they want to, they get to keep me. Everypony in the place knows I'm never going to get adopted anyway, so maybe they can just put my search for a family to a rest if I ask.

Hello, Spirit is my name. I'm not a very social pony. Have you met my best friend MagPie? We were living in the orphanage together, and she was my only friend. Once she moved to PonyvilLe Orphanage, she was the only filly that spoke to me. It isn't everyday that just anypony talks to me. Anyway, after a while, a family came and adopted me. I had to leave, and MagPie is still living as an orphan. We talked on the phone and all, and I told her about m new life and how great it was to have an actual family. Little did I know, my "family" was on the phone with someone, and they were talking about me. I heard them say they were "going to send me up north to be used as a test subject for scientist ponies doing research on the male foals body." I didn't want to be a test subject colt, so I ran away. I couldn't go back to he orphanage because the foster mother would ask why I was back and call my parents. Now, I wonder the streets. I look for shelter and any sort of food I can find. I don't usually find more than maybe muffins in the dumpster, so I don't eat very much. I guess it helps that my motabolism is low and I gain weight easily. No, I'm not fat. I'm quite scrawny due to the lack of food and water sources I have. Maybe one day, MagPie and I will see each other again, and I will tell her all about what I heard my "parents" say. Until then, I'm left to survive alone in the world. A 9 year old colt, living in the streets alone, missing his best friend in the world, wondering why his adoptive family would want to do such a thing to him. Oh well... I just want things to get better.

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