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(Sort of another filler as I come up with ideas. Sorry, but I need time. I'm trying I update quicker and more.)


The night was silent, not a living thing stirred. As I search for sleep, I felt something wrong. I couldn't get comfortable, I could find rest, and I could stop thinking of the way I yelled at poor Luna. Luna...her name ringing in my ears. Sleep nearly found me, then suddenly I jerked up. My pupils went small in fear, and I sat up and stared out at the moon. Luna...the name kept filling my mind. Luna...why did I feel there was something I didn't know about? I sat for a long time, staring. My mane waved and flowed, shimmering an sparkling in the moonlight. I squinted as I thought...i though about her proposition. I though about what she had asked me, and how she felt. My eyes widened. Id realized what happened. I stood up and slung to door open, galloping out and waking the sleeping guards outside my door. "Wha-? Princess?" I had no time to stop, I just went galloping and called out to my royal guards. "Guards! Shining Armour! Flash Sentry! All of you! Meet me in the study this very instant! I have something very urgent to tell you!" I galloped to the study and paced back an fourth mumbling to myself. The royal guards burst in, "You called for us, Princess?" I was breathing heavily in fright and spoke in between breathes. "Yes. This morning in the dining hall, Princess Luna was once again telling me that she feels unappreciated. Well, this time, she proposed that she take everypony that loved the night and create a new colony in which she would rule, and I would keep the day loving ponies of Equestria. Of course, I refused. Our kingdom now is weak, from the battle with discord we triumphed trough jut a few days ago, and if we divided the colony, the kingdom would..." I paused and the guards were all staring at me, all as afraid as I was, and I continue pacing and explaining. "the kingdom would fall and be destroyed. We cannot let that happen. Princess Luna has gone and vanished. I believe that she has taken some ponys that love her night with her, to form a new colony in which I denied. You must find Luna. You MUST find her...not finding Princess Luna is NOT an option. Search everywhere, every place we wouldn't think to look." The guards hesitated a moment. "Well, What are you waiting for? I have a command standing, you should go fourth and do as I say...now." I was so worried. How could Lullay have disobeyed? The guards hurried out in a frenzy. I watched out the widow as they galloped off into the night, and I began to raise the sun. I watched the moon sink, and the sun rise...at least she still lowers her moon to make way for the sunrise. I cannot put her fairness past her. For she knows not the damage this could cause our kingdom.


OoooO!!! Cliffhanger ;) I'll update soon, I hate cliffhangers and how annoying they can be, so I won't out my readers trough that haha. Happy reading!


Little does anypony know, Princess Luna had changed her mind about taking all the night loving ponys from Ponyville, for she couldn't find many. However, she did lure many foals out I their homes because they were depressed or saddened by their everyday lives and decided to take them to a new colony instead. She is taking them so that one day they may reproduce and raise their children to love the night, growing her colony. However, Princess Celestia does not know this, and her sister didn't dare tell her because she would have forbade that too, and Celestia assumes that her sister has carried out her plan with older ponies as well as younger ones, relievieng elder ponies of their everyday duties they must perform in order for the kingdom to stay together. This will end up being a problem for both Princesses.

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