Fulfilling the Proposal

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(CAUTION!!! this chapter contains SOME sexual activities in it, but nothing too terribly bad. If you don't like that, then I would suggest skipping MAGPIES POV. Happy reading! :3)


I woke around the same time I usually do when I sleep in the day, and crept out of my bed. I opened my door gently and peeked outside. Nopony was lurking in the hall, nor was Flash at my door any longer. I stepped outside and closed my door ever so quietly and snuck around the castle, using my sparkling moon as a fluorescent light to see. I glared up at the moon and smiled, whispering to it. "It's ok, moon. I'll find the foals I once saw in the streets, and they will love you as much as I." I continued on my way, and snuck around corners. I made it about halfway around one corner and..."Oof!" I groaned as I fell to the floor. I leaned my head upward and saw two guards staring down at me. "Princess Luna, isn't it a bi late to be roaming the castle?" I stood up and looked at them. I was quite honestly confused as to why they asked me this anyway. My sister probably too them to keep am eye out for me. "No, it is not. This is what I do. I sleep in the day, and roam in the night...why is this uncommon for the very pony who rises the magnificent moon? Shall I not be permitted to bask in my own rays of the moon as Celestia is her suns? I do believe so. Leave me be guards, if at all possible, I would suggest protecting the rest of the castle rather than wonder why I am up during MY night. Be off with you now." I watched them exchange glances and sweat beads drip off their brow. They had nothing to say to me after I spoke, and went on their way, doing as I told them. I sighed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness I am the Princess of the Moon, for if i wasn't, I would be escorted back to my room. I continued to the entrance of the castle, and exited the premises silently. I couldn't afford being seen sneaking around by anypony, even though I'm the Princess of the night it would seem suspicious to see me creeping about. I glared up at my moon...my only friend who understood, and took the stance I used to fly. My majestic wings spread out among the night, and the moon shown it's light on them. I marveled in their beauty, for they sparkled and glistened, each and ever feather. They seemed like individual crystals were stuck on them on this night, for it was a special one. I retrieved my glare, and turned it on Ponyville. The wings still out, they began to flap. The dirt beneath me spun around and m hooves gracefully lifted from the ground. When I flew under my moon, I felt like there was nothing or nopony else in the world but the sky, moon, and i. I flapped the wings harder and faster and I ascended into the night sky more and more. Once I was high enough to see all of Ponyville, I flew towards it. The brisk night winds whipped my face, and I loved it. I bobbed and weaved past trees and buildings, and I began to sing, My beautiful voice projected throughout PonyvilLe, and I was sure it would lure the foals out and then is when I would show them the way.


In my cardboard box underneath the bridge I squirmed, searching desperately for sleep. As i wriggled, the frozen night air sliced at my eyes and face, causing me to cower more into my box. I wanted so badly to cry, bit I feared that if I let the tears escape, some pony would hear my wails. I neared closer and closer to sleep, I dozed off here and there, but was never able to fully fall asleep. The night was dragging on, and I became restless and felt sleep deprived. Suddenly, I had a strange urge to look up at the moon. So, I lifted my head and stared at the moon for a moment. In the few moments, I began to hear a voice. The voice was beautiful and felt like silk in my ears. I continued to state at the moon, and I felt myself ascending slowly into the air. I twisted and turned as I floated into the dark night sky and I was speechless. The moon showed a beam around me, I gathered that was what made me fly, for I am a unicorn, and the beam shimmered beautimously. I didn't steer myself, all I needed to do was gallop in the air and I moved in whatever way I needed to go, of course not knowing where I was going. A smile fell upon my face, and I spun around and twirled. For the firs time in a very long while, I finally laughed. I laughed and laughed happily for as long as I kept floating, still not knowing where the moons beams were taking me.

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