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I don't understand why Tia keeps trying to teleport me things. She knows I will not answer to her. I am too upset with her to even think about going back. These ponies will be much happier with me here than they ever will be back in Ponyville. In my small cave home, we will work on my dwelling later, I decided that it was fair enough that I write her a letter, responding to her prior one. She obviously wants to hear from me desperately, since she never seems to stop sending me things through her magic. This was he letter I will be replying to:

My dearest Lullay,

I understand you may he angry, saddened, or feel unappreciated now, but sweet Sister, that is not what everypony thinks of you. We all are very grateful for your night, and we would all like for you to return home. I miss you Lullay, and I am unable to raise the sun without you here to lower the moon. The balance has been thrown off, and Ponyville will never see another plant grow without the sun. All the ponies will die, and the colony will fall apart. We await your return anxiously Princess Luna.

Your adoring sister and friend,

Princess Celestia

Yeah right. Nopony appreciated my night until I began bringing ponies here. Now she is just trying to persuade me into coming back to Canterlot. That is NOT happening. I'm sorry Tia, but these ponies are basically my children now, and I won't let them down like their other parents before me have. This was my returned letter:


Stop pretending everypony appreciates the dark. You and I both know how unimportant it is to most ponies. The ones I have brought here enjoy seeing the moon and stars as much as I. I am even cheerful to inform you how much they despise your day. Any who, y colony is coming along nicely, and I can't wait until you send your guards after me. They will surely die during the search. Give up trying to contact me, for I have nothing to say to you.

With love,

Queen Luna

Of course, most of those things that I wrote aren't true. I do in fact miss my sister, but if I plan to keep my colony alive and flourishing, I mustn't have any physical contact with her. I folded up the letter and stamped in with the royal logo. I then carried up into the air with my magic, until suddenly it vanished. I knew it had sent when the spark faded away after it had gone. I wonder if she will continue trying to force me back? Oh well, it isn't going to work. Nothing she has to say will ever make me want to come back. I exited my cave with a proud strut and looked around the town. The children were galloping and playing, since it was their day to have fun. I decided that they will get 2 days a week from their daily work. I give them Mondays and Thursdays. At this rate, the town will be done within a few months up to a year. I can just imagine the finished product now. Of course, I fear the fate of Ponyville will turn for the worst if I don't return. Celestia is correct, though I hate to admit it, but the plants do need sun to grow, but they must find a way. Until my colony is filly flourished, I refuse to lower the moon. They must fInd a way to survive without the sun for a while, as I did when I was on the moon.

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