A Growing Town

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Well, since a few hours ago, the town is coming along nicely. We haven't accomplished much, but we are definitely getting started. I've been giving commands to everypony, and they are fulfilling these commands at amazing pace! So far, they've built a few small huts, which we improve later, and I've managed to plan out where everything shall go in the future. I have even started a dwelling if my own in a cave, not far from the brook. Of course, it's no place fit for any princess, but I will have to wait for the town to be fully built before I can help the foals construct my home. Besides, these children are much more important to me than I am. For a while, I sat in the middle of the town, where I would conjure up a statue of their loyal Princess Luna. Staring around at all the beauty and potential, I faded out and imagined the finished product.


I noticed a pony, seemed about my age, working construction on the same hut I was. I thought I'd be friendly, and went over to say hello. I shook off my coat and tried to fix my mane a bit, though pretty unsuccessful, and pranced over to the young colt. "Hey there!" He jumped back a little and avoided my gaze, obviously embarrassed by how easily afraid he was. Ha, jut like my old friend Spirit! Unsatisfied with my first approach, I tried again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Magpie, and I just wan-" Then, in that instant, the colt that seemed so secluded from everypony else, bounced on top of me and had a huge grin over his snout. After I wiped away the dust from my eyes that stirred up with my falling back, I gave the face a second look. He spoke, "Magpie?! Is it really you? Is it really my most bestes friend in the world?" Oh my gosh! The colt I wanted to be friends with was already my BEST friend! It was Spirit! "Spirit! I haven't seen you since you got adopted! Who would've thought we would meet here huh?" "Yea! I'm guessing the foster home is still the same. My adoption didn't go so well..."


He tole me about how his adoption went, and what the "family" planned to do. It was heart breaking, and as we talked, we managed to finish building that hut. "I asked Princess Luna if we could share a hut. She said we could have this one, but we have to share it with another filly. I think she said her name was Gari. She said she was a quiet and sweet pony, so we should all be able to get along." Spirit hadn't stopped smiling since we found each other earlier, and it was nearing the afternoon. "Well, let's go find her! Maybe she'll like us!" Spirit urged me to follow along, and we pranced around and trotted and played as we searched for the filly. Soon, eternal night would fall...whatever that meant!


Well, we finished building a few huts, and we've started on fencing in yards and such. Nothing major has happened though. The huts need to be improved, but Luna says we will have time for that later. She's so nice. She always walks around and tells everypony how great of a job they're doing and offers lots of constructive criticism. These ponies look up to her, I for one, and she is an amazing mother to us all who needed one. I turned back to continue fencing, and Somepony galloped up to me from behind, "Hey! Gari right? A filly and a colt are lookin' for ya'! Should see what they want." The vanilla colored pony then trotted away, off to do whatever she had planned. A few moments after shed gone and I'd turned back to my fence, I heard more galloping hooves nearing me. Again, I faced the noise. There, right in my face as I turned, stood a dark grey filly with beautiful honey colored eyes, and black mane that had a blue streak in her bangs. I hadn't expected her to be so close, "OOooOooo WAaaa!" The few steps of panic I took back were few too many, and I bumped into the fence I had just built and knocked it half way down. She gasped, and I looked back at her. Her ears were folded back and she was crouching into herself with guilt plastered among her face. She spoke in a shaky voice, "I-I'm sorry...i didn't mean to knock over your f-fence. I'll help out putting it back up." She wouldn't look me in the eyes, so I replied forgivingly. "That's ok. Hey, your MagPie right? Your the filly that got up there with the Princess this morning. I'm Gari, nice to meet you." She smiled and looked over to her caramel colored friend, who had green eyes and light brown mane. She giggled, "We know who you are," and at this I was puzzled. "Huh?" Once more, she gave her friend an over-excited grin. "Luna said you could share our hut with us if you wanted to. This is my best friend Spirit. The Princess said were all about the same age, so we should be able to get along fine. So, would you like to stay?" I thought for a second. All in one day, I get a mother, a new home, as possibly new best friends? Score! "Of course I wanna' stay! We can all be bestes friends! Let me just finish this fence and I can come and play with you guys for te rest of the day." MagPie replied, "Alright, but I'm helpin' you cuz' I knocked it over! C'mon Spirit! Lets finish to we can all play!" They got to work immediately and in no time at all it was finished. We headed home to retire for the day, and we played games for the rest of the time. Home...it use to be a foreign word. Home...but now it's not so hard to say.


Hey guys! I'm really super duper sorry about the long wait for the update, I've ha A LOT going on and a whole butt load of school work to do. I'm doing my best though. Comment what you think please? I hope you enjoy it! Happy reading! :)

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